Purpose (problem description)

This page troubleshoot the below error message you may face while updating the central database with Servermanager.

 SQL Error: ERROR:  could not create unique index "dss_me_val_typ_pk"

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step scenario

Use CUT to update the databases to a more recent CAST version.

Action Plan
  1. Restore the pre-migrated databases (management, central and local databases).
  2. Run the following queries on the pre-migrated central database.

    TRUNCATE TABLE dss_metric_value_types;
    vacuum FULL dss_metric_types;
  3. Rerun CUT on the pre-migrated databases.
  4. If the previous steps does not resolve the issue, contact CAST Technical Support with below Relevant input in order to reproduce and understand the issue. 

This solution may also be valid on similar issues with CUT on either of the tables dss_metric_value_types or dss_metric_types during a central database update. Here are the indexes for these tables which may have this issue:

dss_me_val_typ_pk - dss_metric_value_types index

dss_metr_typ_pk - dss_metric_types index

dss_met_typ_idx2 - dss_metric_types index

Relevant Input


Ticket # 9512

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