Problem Description

During the update of bases (either migration or updating the extension), after few minutes, the server manager crashes with the following error.

    Another Server Manager program is currently modifying or deleting the selected base
    If no other Server Manager is running, you may unlock the base using contextual menu <Troubleshooting/Remove Locks>

Applicable in CAST Version
Action Plan

Perform the below steps:

  1. Restore the bases before you update.
  2. Try to remove the locks on the bases, for this refer the page Server Manager - Remove Locks and then try again to update the extensions, if you are still getting the error then go to the next step.
  3. Check the server status of PgAdmin. If any procedure/query is running on the base, then stop it and try to update again, if still does not work go to next step.

  4.  Check task manager to see if we have any server manager session already running in the server if yes kill it and try again, 
  5. If the above steps do not work ,contact CAST Technical Support with below Relevant Input

Relevant input 

  1. Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock) with options Export Logs, Export Database Backup
  2. Explanation about the problem and supporting screenshots

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