Purpose (problem description)

This document guide handles the below problem with report generator :

The generated report is not as expected - blocks are missing / the values in the block are empty. See an example below
Figure 1

*Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step scenario
  1. Create custom template OR use standard template
  2. Generate report
  3. The generated report if it is missing in any block / the values in the block are empty.
Action Plan
  1. Check Known Issues
  2. If you have used Custom template then reproduce the issue on standard template
  3. If the issue is even reproduced on standard templates then this may happen if you only copy the flat without doing a proper standard installation. Use the templates that come with the standard installation and replace it on your %LOCALAPPDATA%\CAST\ReportGenerator\Templates and generate a new report to get proper results. If the issue is not reproduced then the problem is with configuration of custom template. 
    If you are still reproducing the issue using proper standard templates then contact CAST Technical Support with relevant input.
  4. Check if the blocks are empty due to a server time out or performance issue
  5. If your case is not listed above then contact CAST Technical Support with relevant input.

Known Issues

Case 1: All blocks in the templates are targeting only Business criteria. If you have entered any Quality rule ID instead of Business Criteria ID then the results will be incorrect. Please change the property of the block to have only BC-ID.
Figure 2

Case 2 : The tables are empty if the blocks TOP_CRITICAL_VIOLATIONS, TOP_CRITICAL_VIOLATIONS_EVOLUTION, TOP_NON_CRITICAL_VIOLATIONS & TOP_NON_CRITICAL_VIOLATIONS_EVOLUTION are used from 2- Word-components-library.docx. The reason for this is that in the block properties the separator between BC-ID & COUNT is ; (semi-colon).

Figure 3
The solution for this problem is to change the separator from ; to , (semi-colon to comma) as shown below & re-generate the report :

Figure 4

Case 3: The table  the first page of Executive-summary.docx and first slide of the Executive-summary-sample2.pptx are empty after report generation. The reason for this is the template containing the block is incorrect. It is missing the parameters BC-ID and count as seen below.

Figure 5

The solution for this problem is to change the properties of the blocks and add the parameters BC-ID and count as shown below.
For Executive-summary.docx  - TABLE;TOP_CRITICAL_VIOLATIONS;BC-ID=60017;COUNT=10
For Executive-summary-sample2.pptx  -  TABLE;TOP_CRITICAL_VIOLATIONS;COUNT=10;BC-ID=60017

Case 4: The table "Top 10 critical violations" in Section 1.3 Assessment Highlights is empty after generating report using the standard template Assessment-Sample2.docx as shown below :

Figure 6

The reason for this is the block is missing the parameters BC-ID - .

Figure 7

To solve this issue you will have to edit the properties of the block by adding the BC-ID as shown below and re-generate the report-


Case 5: When running report generator, you may have a report with a section for Propagated Risk Indicator (PRI) for the health factor robustness or Performance or Security which will have no values, even though values show up on the dashboard for PRI for Robustness or Performance or Security .For this case please refer to the page - Report Generator - Reports - Empty results - No Propagated Risk Indicator PRI

Case 6: If the block ACTION_PLANS from the template 1- Powerpoint-components-library.pptx then refer to -  Report Generator - Reports - Empty results - Action Plans table is not populated

Figure 8

Case 7: If the Result-presentation-sample1.pptx report is providing empty results for TWRI of Top Riskiest Application, as shown in below screenshot then please refer to - Report Generator - Reports - Empty results - No Top Riskiest Transactions TWRI

Figure 9


Check if the blocks are empty due to a server time out or performance issue

  1. Open the tomcat stdout log file. By default it will be present in this location - C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\logs\tomcat7-stdout.yyyy-mm-dd.log
  2. Check if you have any error like the one below
    2016-09-08 13:21:58,643 - ERROR - Cast.Util.Log.LogHelper                            : Request URL '' - Error execution :  The operation has timed out. This error comes up due to large amount of data that Report Generator is not able to fetch from REST-API.
  3. Refer to the below pages depending upon your RDBMS to improve the performance of corresponding Central database 

CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Hangs and performance issues - Performance in ADG Dashboard on CSS


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