
This page gives solution to the problem where action plan table is not populated with any value after generating report as shown in the below screenshot.

*Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS


Step by Step Scenario

Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:

  1. Deploy RESTAPI and point it to Central Database.

  2. Use Report generator to generate the report using latest 2 snapshots and template - 1- Powerpoint-components-library.pptx

  3. Check that the Action Plan table is empty.

Impact of the Problem

The impact of the problem on the analysis or the dashboard is: N/A

Action Plan

To fix the problem, proceed as follows:

  1. Check if there are any items in VIEWER_ACTION_PLANS table having FIRST_SNAPSHOT_DATE = NULL by executing the below query on the Central database. 

    select distinct DMD.metric_description as Quality_Rule,DOBJ.object_full_name as Object_Full_Name, VAP.action_def as Description 
    from viewer_action_plans VAP, dss_metric_descriptions DMD, dss_objects DOBJ
    where VAP.object_id = DOBJ.object_id
    and VAP.metric_id = DMD.metric_id 

    Example -

    Query result example
    Avoid throwing an exception of type Exception (C# .Net)p1.ORDERS.ISSUE_VALUETo be corrected
    Avoid throwing an exception of type Exception (C# .Net)p1.ORDERS.ISSUE_RESULTTo be corrected
    Avoid throwing an exception of type Exception (C# .Net)p1.ORDERS.ORDER_VALUETo be corrected

    If the above query returns any rows then and save the results and take a backup of the Central Database. This should not happen if you are using CAST products to build your Action Plan.

  2. Run the query on the Central Base to delete the inconsistent entries

    delete from VIEWER_ACTION_PLANS where FIRST_SNAPSHOT_DATE is null;
  3. Re-generate report

  4. You may add the violations for the Quality Rules identified in step 1 to the action plan if they are still relevant.

Impact of the solution

 Impact of the solution on the analysis or the dashboard is: N/A


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