This option will carry out a verification check on all or individual components (depending where the option is launched from). This means that the CAST Management Studio will check that all dependent items are present - for instance a User Defined Module should have one Object Filter.
In addition the validation check will also take into account the external context - for instance, for components that rely on files, a check will be made to ensure that the files exist and are valid (e.g.: Layers and Definition Rules files in the Architecture Model editor).
Using the option
To use the Verify option globally for ALL components:
- Click the Toolbar icon located on the
- Use the Edit > Verify menu option
To use the Verify option on individual components:
- Right click the component you want to verify (for example a Dashboard Service, Architecture Model, Database Server etc.)
- Choose the icon.
Results are displayed in the Verification view.
- This check-up is similar to the check carried out automatically in the Validation view.