CAST Management Studio Startup Wizard
The Startup Wizard is only launched the very first time you launch the CAST Management Studio. In subsequent launches, the wizard will not be displayed.
Note that you can also use the ConfigurePlatformPreferences option via the Command Line Interface (CLI) to initialize the settings. This is designed for bulk updates in large CAST AIP deployments.
The Startup Wizard guides you through the configuration of various mandatory settings. These settings are vital to the CAST Management Studio and without them you cannot use the application.
- Click the Next button to start the wizard.
- This page prompts you to enter your CAST license key:
- Enter the key provided to you by CAST and click OK - the license key is now registered and valid for ALL end-user applications
- All future Licence Key registration and activation is handled using the Help > License Key menu - see Manage the License Key
- Click Next to move to the next page in the wizard:
- In order to function correctly, the CAST Delivery Manager Tool requires various folders that are used to store source code, logs and temporary files. These folders are required - without them, the CAST Management Studio cannot function. The location of each folder is particularly important, in particular, the CAST AIC Portal must also be able to access the Source Code Delivery Folder. You can find a more detailed explanation of the folders in Preferences - Platform Settings:
- Source Code Delivery Folder - a central location for storing successive and compressed versions of an application's source code as packaged by the Delivery Manager(s)
- Source Code Deployment Folder - a location used exclusively by the CAST Management Studio to store the most recent version of the application's source code for analysis in uncompressed format
- Logs folder - a location used to store logs of all interaction with the Analysis or Dashboard Services.
- LISA (Large intermediate storage area) / LTSA (Large temporary storage area) - location to store temporary files generated during the analysis process
- By default, the following paths will be preloaded into each field - you are free to leave the paths at their defaults or customize them as required:
Option | Default Paths | Notes |
Source Delivery | %SystemDrive%\CASTMS\Delivery |
Source Deployment | %SystemDrive%\CASTMS\Deploy | - |
LISA | %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\CASTMS | The CAST Management Studio will automatically create a subfolder in the chosen location for the LISA and LTSA folders. Therefore if you leave the default %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\CASTMS path, two subfolders will be created as follows:
Please note the following additional information:
The folders defined in the startup wizard are set on a "per Management Service schema basis". This means that the folders should be used only for the Management Service schema that you connect to. If you connect to a different Management Service schema, you will be required to set new folder locations - and these should NOT be set to the same location.
You must ensure that:
- a different location is used for each folder (i.e. the Delivery folder should not be a sub-folder of the Deployment folder or vice-versa)
- each folder is completely separate from the location used to store your source code - i.e. errors will arise if you configure the Delivery and Deployment folders to be located in sub-folders of a source code storage location
For custom paths, you can use the following syntax:
- D:\CAST\DELIVERY (folder local to the host machine) - please use this syntax when the CAST AIC Portal and the CAST Management Studio are located on the SAME machine. In this situation, always enter an absolute path to the local drive containing the Delivery folder (for example D:\ CAST\DELIVERY). Please DO NOT use a mapped drive path (created using the Windows GUI or the subst Windows command) that points to a folder on the local machine or to a remote network share - doing so can cause an error that will prevent the CAST AIC Portal/CAST Management Studio from functioning.
- \\HOST\CAST\DELIVERY (folder on a remote network share) - please use this syntax only when the CAST AIC Portal and the CAST Management Studio are located on different machines. Note that forward slashes will also function.
The default paths that are pre-populated into the fields are taken from the CASTGlobalSettings.ini file (a file located at the root of the CAST AIP installation folder) - changing the location in the CASTGlobalSettings.ini file will not affect the settings defined in the GUI.
- Click Finish to complete the Startup Wizard.
- The CAST Management Studio will then be displayed. See What's in the CAST Management Studio? for more information.