
This page will help to solve problems related to the Version Delivery Feature. The Version Delivery is a feature of CAST AIP that will manage the version of the source code you are delivering.

For more information, refer to:

 Official documentation:

Online Help: Delivery Manager Tool > Help > How To > Deliver

Information Guides : Information Guides > Delivery Manager Tool DMT

*Observed in CAST AIP
*Observed on RDBMS

Action Plan

Proceed as shown below:

  1. When an issue occurs during the Add version, check first the CAST-MS<id>.log.txt file that there is an explicit information that could explain the reason why the issue occurs. For instance :

    Check in CAST MS log file :

    INF: 2016-10-17 18:08:13: 	C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0/DeliveryManagerTool/DeliveryManagerTool-CLI.exe AddVersion -application J2EE Refined Target -version My Version 5 -name My Version 7 -guid f01d5eac-9aac-4555-8f20-a47d629ec001 -copySources false -releaseDate 201610170000 -storagePath C:\SBO - CAST\CAST-MS\802\Delivey -oneApplicationMode 3e931e5a-e59f-400a-bab7-16a927fefe8a -serverUrl  -logFilePath C:\xxx\Temp\Logs\3e931e5ae59f400abab716a927fefe8a\DmtClone-20161017180813.castlog2
    ERR: 2016-10-17 18:08:13: 	An error has occurred while creating an external process
    ERR: 2016-10-17 18:08:13: com.castsoftware.util.logger.exceptions.LogException	cast.java.runtime.createProcessIOException
                                com.castsoftware.java.InternalException:com.castsoftware.util.logger.exceptions.LogException	cast.java.runtime.createProcessIOException
                                  Cannot run program ""C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0/DeliveryManagerTool/DeliveryManagerTool-CLI.exe"" (in directory "C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0\DeliveryManagerTool"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid
                                    java.io.IOException:Cannot run program ""C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0/DeliveryManagerTool/DeliveryManagerTool-CLI.exe"" (in directory "C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0\DeliveryManagerTool"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid                          

    The message to check in that example is
    Cannot run program ""C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0/DeliveryManagerTool/DeliveryManagerTool-CLI.exe"" (in directory "C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0\DeliveryManagerTool"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid
    java.io.IOException:Cannot run program ""C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0/DeliveryManagerTool/DeliveryManagerTool-CLI.exe"" (in directory "C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0\DeliveryManagerTool"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid
    It means that the C:\Program Files\CAST\8.0\DeliveryManagerTool folder does not exist. To solve the issue, check if the folder exists, else, it means that the folder has been removed or the name has changed.

  2. For the error "Source Server : This feature is not available in offline mode",as shown in the following screenshot:

    make sure that the file CAST-MS.l4j is not in the CAST installation folder. If it is then:
    1. Close CAST-MS.

    2. Remove the file CAST-MS.l4j

    3. Open CAST MS

    4. Add a new version

  3. If issue is not resolved, open the DmtClone-<datetime>.castlog2 and check for the error. Navigate to the below pages :
  4. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant Input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce. 


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