


Initial release of the extension: a set of command line tools to migrate your data to CAST Imaging v3. See the migration documentation for more details.

Known Issues

Internal Id Details
IMAGKSL-2330 Applications containing only EGL technology (which is unsupported in v3), will still be eligible (incorrectly) to undergo a re-scan in CAST Imaging v3 (post migration) resulting in an empty Overview page.
IMAGKSL-2296 The migration will fail on the "Neo4j" migration step when the migration batch is executed in same CMD window as used by the "Neo4j" backup process (in other words, this can occur when the CAST Imaging "viewer" v2 and the CAST Imaging "viewer" v3 components are installed on the same machine. Ensure that the migration batch file is run in a new CMD window (i.e. not the same window used for the Neo4j backup).