Telemetry customization
Added properties in the configuration file that allows the customization of transmitted telemetry data. See external link .
Synchronization customization
Added properties in the configuration file that can prevent the download of extension icons CAST Console integration. See external link .
Synchronization customization
Added properties in the configuration file that allows the customization of extensions to be synchronized - i.e. to blacklist specific extensions. See external link .
Automatic synchronization
A synchronization is now automatically triggered immediately after validating CAST Extend credentials in the Administration Center after the install has completed.
Change in location of the config.proxy.json file
The config.proxy.json file is now stored in %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Extend" and all customization should be included in this file. Note that the file also exists in "%PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\Extend" but any customization added here will be ignored. See also external link .