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On this page:

Summary: This document provides information about the analysis results you can expect from a Visual Basic analysis.

What results can you expect?

Once the analysis/snapshot generation has completed, you can view the results in the normal manner (for example via CAST Enlighten):




Class Module





External Function

External Sub



MDI Form


Control Project

EXE Project

Group Project

OLE DLL Project

OLE Exe Project

Get Property

Let Property

Page Property

Set property


VB Subset

User Control

User Document


Com CoCLass

Com Disp Interface
Com Interface

Com Method
Com Property
Com Get Property
Com Put Property
Com Put Ref Property

Com Type Lib
Com External Type Lib

Link TypeWhen is this type of link created?
- When calling a VB or a COM function (sub, function, property get, let set, com method, com prop put, prop putref, prop get) except system functions (functions from VB, VBA or VBRUN DLLs)

- When calling a VB or a COM event

- When the return type of a function is not a standard one

Here is a sample that shows one of these links.

Private Sub MySub(i As Integer)

  'Do Whatever

  End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  Dim j As Integer

  MySub (j)

End Sub

This will result in the following view:

- When raising an event

In the following sample, we have a class (Class1) that defines an event (Gong) and a method (MyMethod). When MyMethod is called, we raise an event.

Event Gong()

Public Sub MyMethod()

RaiseEvent Gong

End Sub

This will result in the following view (includes only event relevant links):


There is also a Form (Form1) that has the button (Command1). Here’s the code of this Form:

Private WithEvents mHandler As Class1

Private Sub Command1_Click()

   Set mHandler = New Class1


End Sub

Private Sub mHandler_Gong()

MsgBox "Gong !"

End Sub

- When declaring a user data-type, link with the non standard members of this user data-type

- When referencing a non standard type member of a user data-type variable

- When accessing a variable

Rely On
- When declaring a variable of a non standard type

- When declaring a function return value of a non standard type

- When a user control inherits from a non standard type

In this sample, the user control “UserControl1” is used in the form “Form1”

- When implementing an event using WithEvents statement