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AIP Console


CAST Management Studio

Accept and deploy the Version in the CAST Management Studio. Any projects that were discovered in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool will be transformed into Analysis Units:

You should now check and edit (if necessary) the default automated analysis configuration settings that have been set for you during the package deployment. See Visual Basic - Analysis configurationWhen you are satisfied that you have configured your analysis correctly, we suggest that you run a test analysis at Application level before you generate a new snapshot (no results will be saved to the CAST Analysis Service):

On completion, you should check the test analysis log file and then clear up any warning or error messages that have been returned by reconfiguring the analysis. When all issues and problems have been resolved, you can then use the Run Analysis only option to perform an analysis AND save the results in the CAST Analysis Service:

Finally you can check the analysis results using, for example, CAST Enlighten and then generate a snapshot.