This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
44497Improve support of Knex.js to prevent erroneous "Unknown database" type objects from being created.

Other Updates

Sensitive Data Tagging for NoSQL Collections has been added. See
Sensitive Data Tagging for Cloud File Storage. See


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
42184Remove a false positive violation of the rule 1020748 "Avoid using the call of data service with Node.js inside a loop".

Other Updates

The behaviour of the extension has been updated to ensure that NodeJS Unknown Database Table objects are no longer com.castsoftware.nodejs. This object type is now handled instead by the but by com.castsoftware.nodejs.missingtable extension.
The parsing of gRPC .proto files has been improved.
Updates have been implemented to remove unnecessary com.castsoftware.nodejs related log messages.
Updates have been implemented to ensure that the correct caller of a REST reception operation (when using Sails.js) is resolved (the caller was previously incorrectly set to the parent file rather than the method).


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
41052Fixes an issue causing missing "Node JS Post Operation" objects and therefore missing links.

Other Updates

A change in behaviour has been implemented: "Azure Functions" are now set by default as entry points when they are not called by any other object.
A change in behaviour has been implemented: gRPC objects are now defined as entry/exit points.


New Support

Support gRPCgRPC ( is now supported. See