
CAST Imaging Docker provides the latest releases of the following CAST components in one single Microsoft Windows image for Docker:

CAST Imaging UI

CAST Storage Service

CAST Console Standalone - (not enterprise edition) therefore it only supports one Node for analysis purposes (the Node is predefined in the image).


CAST Extend local server

Embedded CAST Dashboards

This image is designed to be installed on one single Microsoft Windows machine running Docker specifically for demo or POC requirements. It provides everything required in order to run a full deployment of CAST with the aim of generating data for CAST Imaging. All components are preconfigured for use and the only configuration required is to enter your CAST Console global and Imaging license keys.

Deployment requirements


Server typeArchitectureCPURAMDISKOSNotes

Minimum 1 CPU / 2 cores:

  • Intel Core i5, 2.6 GHz
  • Intel Xeon, 2.2 GHz

Recommended  1 CPU / 4 cores:

  • Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz
  • Intel Xeon, 2.6 GHz
  • 24GB minimum
  • 32GB recommended

256GB min

Microsoft Windows

24GB RAM is the absolute minimum requirement to allow all packages and components to function, however, analysis performance will be poor as the available resources will be shared between CAST Console Standalone and CAST Storage Service. As a result, investigation performance in CAST Imaging may also be compromised. 32GB RAM is recommended.

Note that by default, a container has no resource constraints and can use as much of a given resource as the host’s kernel scheduler allows. Please consult for more information.


Host Operating System

Microsoft Windows only

  • Microsoft Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise - for Docker Desktop
  • Microsoft Windows 11 Pro/Enterprise - for Docker Desktop
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 - for Docker Enterprise Engine


The following is required:

  • Docker Desktop (for Microsoft Windows 10/11 - latest version recommended)



Access to Docker Hub

The Docker image (castimaging/windows_pack) is hosted on, therefore the server on which you are performing the installation requires internet access to this URL. Note that the image is approx. 8GB in size so may take some time to download:

Access to /credentials for CAST ExtendCAST Extend local server will run in "proxy/online" mode and therefore the server on which you are performing the installation requires access to Note that you are free to swap to offline mode if you prefer - see Manage CAST Extend local server via Administration Center
License keys

The following keys are required and are input as part of the initial setup:

  • CAST Console global license key
  • CAST Imaging license key

Deployment process

Command line

To deploy the container, run the following command line on the machine where Docker has been installed via a command prompt window (CMD):

docker run -p <CONSOLE PORT>:8081 -p <IMAGING PORT>:8083 -p <EXTEND LOCAL SERVER PORT>:8085 -p <DASHBOARDS PORT>:8087 -p <CSS4 PORT>:2284 -e EXTENDMAIL=<EXTEND USERNAME> -e EXTENDPASSWORD="<EXTEND PASSWORD>" -v <VOLUME TO STORE FILES>:C:\cast\files castimaging/windows_pack:latest

Update the following parameters for your own environment:

Parameter nameNotes
<CONSOLE PORT>Listening port for CAST Console - 8081 recommended.
<IMAGING PORT>Listening port for CAST Imaging - 8083 recommended.
<EXTEND LOCAL SERVER PORT>Listening port for Extend Local Server - 8085 recommended.
<DASHBOARDS PORT>Listening port for CAST Dashboards - 8087 recommended.
<CSS4 PORT>Listening port for CAST Storage Service - 2284 recommended.
<EXTEND USERNAME>Valid credentials for CAST Extend - see Note that by default, CAST Extend local server functions in in "proxy/online" mode, therefore these credentials are required, however, you are free to swap to offline mode if you prefer - see Manage CAST Extend local server via Administration Center

A folder on the local machine for storing files related to the deployment.

castimaging/windows_pack:latestThis command will pull the latest image. Unless you need to download a specific release, do not change this.


With regard to port definitions, Docker requires a listening port (M) on the machine where Docker is installed and a port within the container (C), for example:

docker run -p <M>:<C>

You can use any free port for the listening port (M), but CAST does not recommend changing the port within the container (C) from those provided in the example command lines.

Example command line:

docker run -p 8081:8081 -p 8083:8083 -p 8085:8085 -p 8087:8087 -p 2284:2284 -e -e EXTENDPASSWORD="MyP@ssW0rd" -v C:\Implementations:C:\cast\files castimaging/windows_pack:latest

Image pull and container creation

When the command is executed, Docker will download (pull) the image and then create the container:

Click to enlarge

The container creation starts and a summary log is displayed. When the container is ready you will see in the message "Your container is ready...":

Click to enlarge

Check ports for CAST Console and CAST Imaging

If you need to find out which front-end listening ports you defined for CAST Console or CAST Imaging, run the following command on the machine where docker is installed:

docker ps

This will list all the containers running on your machine with their listening ports. The result will be as below:

Click to enlarge

In this example the ports used are the following :

  • CAST Console: 8081 (on the left)
  • CAST Imaging: 8083 (on the left)

Configure Windows Firewall (optional)

If you would like to access any of the components deployed via this image from a remote machine on the network, you will need to modify the Microsoft Windows Firewall on the host machine to open the listening ports you need to access using the TCP protocol, for example port 8081 (CAST Console):

Initial configuration

CAST Console

Connect to CAST Console with the following URL either from the local machine or from another machine on the network if you opened the appropriate Windows Firewall ports:

http://localhost:<CONSOLE PORT>
http://<my_host>:<CONSOLE PORT>



You will be prompted to enter the CAST Console global license key:

Click to enlarge

Then click Save and Finish:

Click to enlarge

You will finally be prompted to login. Login with either of the following credentials - both have the ADMIN role and perform all tasks and view all data:

  • admin/admin
  • cast/cast

Click to enlarge

You are now ready to onboard an application for analysis.

CAST Imaging

Connect to CAST Imaging with the following URL either from the local machine or from another machine on the network if you opened the appropriate Windows Firewall ports:

http://localhost:<IMAGING PORT>
http://<my_host>:<IMAGING PORT>



You will be prompted to login. Login with the following credentials:

  • admin/admin

Now click the settings button highlighted below:

The following message will then be displayed - click Become Super Admin:

Finally you will be prompted to enter a CAST Imaging license key - click Update to save it:

CAST Imaging is now ready for use.

Troubleshooting tips

Docker error message

If you receive the following message in the command prompt window after running the initial deployment command line, this indicates that you are currently using Containers for Linux. You will need to switch to Containers for Windows - see

docker: image operating system "windows" cannot be used on this platform

Not able to switch container type using the UI

If you are not able to switch to Containers for Windows by right clicking the Docker Desktop icon in the system tray (e.g. the option is missing), you can switch using the following command run from %PROGRAMFILES%\Docker\Docker:

.\DockerCli.Exe -SwitchDaemon