Content matrix

Version Summary of content Comments
2.12.7-funcrel Customer bug fixes/minor feature improvements. Can be used with:
  • ≥ 8.3.16
2.12.6-funcrel Customer bug fixes/minor feature improvements. As above.
2.12.5-funcrel Customer bug fixes. As above.
2.12.4-funcrel Minor bug fix. As above.
2.12.3-funcrel Customer bug fixes. As above.
2.12.2-funcrel Minor bug fix. As above
2.12.1-funcrel Minor bug fix. As above
2.12.0-funcrel Minor improvements and bug fixes. As above.

RestAPI documentation


Feature Improvements

Summary Details
New report for STIG V6 standard A new STIG V6 report has been added to the PDF report generation feature available in the Engineering Dashboard.
Improve LOC value display in tiles The LOC values available in tiles in all dashboards will now show both new (66071) and old (10151) metric IDs. Drill-downs continue to show the old (10151) metric ID. Tool tip info bubbles have been updated to explain the change. See Size Indicator tiles and Application Components tile - Engineering Dashboard.
Support the CWE Top 25 2024 A new CWE Top 25 2024 has been added to the PDF report generation feature available in the Engineering Dashboard.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
51307 ED: Fixes an issue where the Size Snapshot comparison displays percentage instead on numeric value (for ISO view).
50940 HD/MD: Fixes an issue causing all grades to be shown as "0.00" when selecting a module.
50938 Fixes an issue where an incorrect download link is provided when using the "Check for update" option.
50924 HD/MD: Fixes an issue causing the display of inconsistent data (rounding errors).
50917 ED: Fixes an issue where the sort option does not function correctly in the exclusion list.
50896 ED: Fixes an issue where the latest snapshot is not displayed even after reloading cache using "server/refresh" API.
50725 HD/MD: A minor update to change the Title description for the "Overview Application Portfolio Tile".
50801 HD/MD: Fixes an issue causing the Technical size value to be displayed as null.
51573 ED: Fixes an issue causing performance issues while loading the violations.
51086 ED: Fixes an issue causing the need to action a manual reload after removing re-solved violations.


Feature Improvements

Summary Details
Technical - Change of metric ID for LOC values in Health Dashboard LOC (line of code) values reported by the Health Dashboard now use the metric ID 66071 which is generated by CAST Imaging during the application onboarding process. Previously the CAST Health Dashboard exclusively used the metric ID 10151 which was generated only during the analysis. LOC values are reported by the tile.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
50220 Fixes various issues linked to large datasets and performance issues for ISO-5055 result display.
50483 Fixes a 404 "page not found" error when clicking the documentation link in the Management (Health) Dashboard.
49706 Fixes an issue preventing users from accessing application results due to 'tag' associations (used for result access authorization) not correctly loading during the user login.
50455 Fixes an issue where the ratio of comment lines to code lines in the dashboard returns an integer value instead of decimal value.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
48799 Fixes issues causing discrepancies between the quality model displayed in the Health Dashboard and the model displayed in the Engineering Dashboard (the Health Dashboard is out of sync).
48716 Fixes an issue causing incorrect Health Dashboard indicator graphs for an application that has a single snapshot and when the snapshot date is the current date.
Dashboards fail to start with error "org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException" when SAML authentication is configured.


Feature Improvements

Summary Details
Change of metric ID for LOC values LOC (line of code) values reported by the Engineering Dashboard now use the metric ID 66071 which is generated by CAST Imaging during the application onboarding process. Previously the CAST Engineering Dashboard exclusively used the metric ID 10151 which was generated only during the analysis. LOC values are reported by the tile "Application Components" and this tile now uses the new metric. See

Other Updates

Internal Id Details
IMAGKSL-1016 Minor update to ensure compatibility with CAST Imaging v3.
DASHBOARDS-5217 Fixed Axios library vulnerabilities from OwaspCheck.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
47412 The documentation has been updated to include SSL configuration for a standalone dashboard deployment on Docker. See
47909 Fixes an issue causing incorrect Health Dashboard indicator graphs for an application that has a single snapshot and when the snapshot date is the current date.
47097 Fixes an issue causing incorrect access authorizations when the same username is defined in both LDAP and the default local authentication mode.
47517 Fixes an issue preventing users accessing the Action Plan Recommendation feature due to an 500 Internal server error on the "action-plan/summary" API.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
47383 Fixes an issue where in some situations setting the ISO-5055 as the "Default View" is not working in some cases.
47517 Fixes an issue where it is impossible to access the Action Plan Recommendation interface due to an "internal server 500 error" on the "action-plan/summary" API.


Other Updates

Internal Id Details
IMAGKSL-874 Minor update to ensure compatibility with CAST Imaging v3.


Other Updates

Internal Id Details
DASHBOARDS-0000 Various technical improvements have been added in order to ensure that Dashboards are compatible with CAST Imaging v3.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
46513 Fixes an issue wherein the Compliance % displayed in HD(ISO-5055 view) overview page was not matching with compliance% displayed in health measures.


Feature Improvements

Summary Details
Support for PCI DSS v4.0 Dashboard now supports the download of latest PCI DSS v4.0 report from "Report Generator".
Support the CWE Top 25 202 Dashboard supports the download of latest CWE 2023 report from "Report Generator".
Action Plan Recommendation Simulated TQI Dashboard now allows customer to get simulated value for ISO and TQI.

Other Updates

Internal Id Details
DASHBOARDS-5169 Fixes an issue wherein the font size and style for the previously selected “Exclude” criteria were not consistent. After the fix they are consistent.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
46513 Fixes an issue wherein the Compliance % displayed in HD(ISO-5055 view) overview page was not matching with compliance% displayed in health measures.
45568 CWE Detailed Report template - Section "CAST Findings Details for CWE" - value limited to 3.
46379 Fixed bad connection definition.