Launch Server Manager

Client Identification dialog box

The very first time you launch Server Manager, the application may ask you for an Identifier. This is simply a hostname that identifies your client machine to the server.

All you need to do is to enter an Identifier in the appropriate field which can be up to 10 characters long. You can use your existing client name if you want, or the last 10 digits of your IP address if this is more convenient.

On Microsoft SQL-Server, you can run the SQL command sp_who in your SQL IDE, you will then see this identifier under the hostname column in the returned results as displayed below:

 " spid status loginame hostname blk dbname cmd ... 6 running sa WESLEY 0 master SELECT "

What next?

When you are satisfied with the identifier you have entered, click the OK button. 

The dialog box will then close and the normal connection procedure will continue. If you want to abort the process, click the Cancel button.


  • The Client Identification dialog box is only displayed when you FIRST launch the application - subsequent launches will go straight to the Open Profile Connection dialog box.
Oracle Home Selector

If you have more than one Oracle Home on your client machine, the Oracle Home Selector dialog box will be displayed. Make sure you select the correct Oracle home to use with CAST.

Connecting to a server

Once you have confirmed your Identifier in the Client Identification dialog box the Open Profile Connection dialog box will open.

  1. If this is the first time you have launched Server Manager, no connection profiles will be available. You will be asked if you want to create a Profile that contains your required connection parameters - see here for more information about how server connections are handled by the application.
  2. When this is complete, the new Profile will be displayed in the Open Profile Connection dialog box.
  3. Select the Profile to connect to the server defined in the Profile and click Open.
  4. If the parameters you defined are accepted, a connection to the server will be opened and Server Manager will scan the server defined in the selected Profile and display the names of any databases/schemas that contain CAST server side components, whether from this current version, or from previous versions.

If for some reason no connection with the server can be established, a warning message will appear. In addition a message will appear in the Log Window to explain the likely cause of the failure and to help you rectify the problem.

See Also

Connection | Profiles | Creating Profiles

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