Summary: this section provides information about using the Call Graph with Transactions in Console.


Console provides a graphical representation of an object's call links to enable you to quickly view how Data Entities and Transactions interact with each other. You can click one object and see a graphical representation of all of the other objects that it calls and it is called by:

Accessing the Call Graph

The Call Graph can be accessed for a Transaction or Data Entity object as follows:

Click to enlarge

Available views

There are two views available:

Click to enlarge

Default view

Tree view

Use the Switch to Tree View button to switch to the Tree view.

Other features

Tool tips on nodes (name, full name, type)

Role the mouse over the node to display the properties:

You can also copy the properties to the clipboard using the Copy button:

Legend - Nodes are coloured by type (entry point, object, end point, data entity) 

A Legend is available (along the bottom of the Call Graph) to explain the different types of nodes that can exist:

  • Selecting a type on the legend will highlight all corresponding nodes in the graph by enlarging them.
  • If a specific type of object is not present in the Call Graph, the Legend will disable the corresponding item in the Legend.
  • Display of the legend can be toggled on and off using the switch:

Paths of a selected node can be highlighted

Selecting a node in the graph will automatically highlight the transaction from the Transaction start-point to end-point:

Click to enlarge

Toggle External objects

By default, External Objects (objects that are external to the Application boundary, for example predefined packages that are used in the Application source code - displayed as gray dots in the call graph) are always displayed in the call graph. If you do not want to see them, they can be toggled on and off using the switch:

Note that the External Object toggle switch is only available in Tree View mode.
SCC (Strongly Connected Components) objects

SCC objects are shown in the Call Graph as a single node:

  • A legend item called Strongly Connected Component is used to highlight them.
  • In the tooltip for SCC nodes, additional text denoting the number of objects in that component is displayed.
  • On copying properties of a SCC node, properties of all the objects in the SCC are also copied.