
The Transactions panel shows detailed information in two sections about the number of transactions and data entities identified in the Application during the analysis:

Click to enlarge:

Transactions section

This section shows detailed information about each Transaction identified in the Application during the analysis/snapshot:

Click to enlarge


This option will export the contents of the table to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be viewed using Microsoft Excel or similar.

This option allows you to filter the contents of the table, which can be particularly useful if you have a large number of items:

Transactions marked in pink are deemed to be incomplete, i.e., they do not reach an end-point or a data entity. These incomplete Transactions are "empty Transactional Functions" with a Function Point value of 0. You can see the total number of incomplete transactions, at a glance, in the top left corner:

You can hide these incomplete transactions using the toggle available above the table. When toggled, only complete transactions are shown:

Full Name

Shows the full name of the object/file. Rolling the mouse pointer over the item will show the full name if it is too long to be displayed in the column:


The Type of Transaction

Data EntitiesThe total number of Data Entities that the Transaction reaches - these Data Entities should be displayed in the Data Entities section.
End PointsThe total number of End Points that the Transaction reaches.
ExcludedIndicates whether the transaction has been "captured" (i.e. identified) by an exclusion rule.

Each column can be sorted in ascending / descending numerical or alphabetical order by clicking the column header. An arrow indicates the direction of sort:

Viewing rules used to identify the Transaction

For each Transaction listed in this section, you can view the rules that identified the item as a Transaction:

This will then show the rule or rules - you can view more details about the rule in the Rules section:

Viewing details of the Transaction (data entities and end-points)

For each Transaction listed in this section, you can view the details of the transaction (data entities and end-points):

Viewing the transaction full call graph

For each Transaction listed in this section, you can view the full call graph. See Application - Transactions - Call Graph for more information:

Viewing objects called by a transaction and their source code

For each Transaction listed in this section, you can view all objects that are called by the selected transaction, together with their source code:

Objects are displayed in a popup and source code (where available) can be viewed:

This option will export the contents of the list to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be viewed using Microsoft Excel or similar.
NameName of the object calling the selected Transaction.
FullnameFull name of the object calling the selected Transaction.
TypeType of object calling the selected Transaction.
RoleRole of the object in the selected Transaction:
  • Entry Point (in case of merged Transaction, this role is displayed only for the Entry Point object of the merged root)
  • Data entities (those issued from user-defined rules will appear before those issued from built-in rules):
    • Data Entity (setup)
    • Data Entity (built-in)
  • End Point
  • Objects from the reduced call graph
  • Objects from the full call graph

Objects are listed in the order shown above.


When the object is "generated" and is therefore outside the Application boundary:

When the object is "external" and is therefore outside the Application boundary:

Using the Check architecture option

For each Transaction listed in this section, you can check the objects contained within it against an Architecture Model (see AIP Console - Architecture Studio for more about Architecture Models):

A new screen will open allowing you to select the existing Architecture Model you want to run the check with:

Any objects that form part of the transaction AND that violate the selected Architecture Model will be flagged in the results dialog box:

Click to enlarge

You can find out more information about the results dialog in AIP Console - Architecture Studio - Existing Models.

Data Entities section

This section shows detailed information about each Data Entity identified in the Application during the analysis/snapshot:

Click to enlarge

NameName of the Data Entity (i.e. the file or object).
Full Name

Shows the full name of the object/file. Rolling the mouse pointer over the item will show the full name if it is too long to be displayed in the column:


The Data Entity type.

ExcludedIndicates whether the transaction has been "captured" (i.e. identified) by an exclusion rule.

This option will export the contents of the table to a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be viewed using Microsoft Excel or similar.

This option allows you to filter the contents of the table, which can be particularly useful if you have a large number of items:

Each column can be sorted in ascending / descending numerical or alphabetical order by clicking the column header. An arrow indicates the direction of sort:

Viewing rules used to identify the Data Entity

For each Data Entity listed in this section, you can view the rules that identified the item as a Data Entity. See Viewing rules used to identify the Transaction - this describes the identical feature for Transactions.

Viewing the Data Entity full call graph

For each Data Entity listed in this section, you can view the full call graph. See Application - Transactions - Call Graph for more information: