This panel provides settings for the CAST dashboard integration process, described in more detail in Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process:

Console ≥ 2.x

This option performs an update to ensure that the embedded Dashboard integration settings are correct. No other options are available or necessary.

  • If you are using Console Enterprise mode in Docker, then your embedded Dashboards will be preconfigured and no action is required.
  • If you are using Console Enterprise mode via Java JAR installers, OR you are using Console Standalone, this button should be used following the installation of the embedded RestAPI to configure the embedded Dashboards. See Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process using Java JAR installer.

Console ≥ 1.25

(no requirement for Apache Tomcat)

Console ≤ 1.24

(Apache Tomcat required)

Available options:


Enter the URL to your CAST RESTAPI deployment, for example:

Console ≥ 1.25

Console ≤ 1.24

- <server> refers to the machine on which the bootable ZIP or Apache Tomcat is deployed
- <port> refers to the port on which the bootable zip is running (8087 by default) or the port on which Apache Tomcat is running (8080 by default)

Note that a test will be performed on the URL to check its validity. If the URL cannot be accessed, then a failure message will be displayed:


Enter one of the usernames specified in the following file in your CAST RESTAPI deployment:

Console ≥ 1.25

Console ≤ 1.24

You can use either admin or cast, i.e:

# Users for integrated mode
Integration Key

Enter the key specified in the following file in your CAST RESTAPI deployment under security.integrated.key. The key is set by default to cast:

Console ≥ 1.25

Console ≤ 1.24


Console ≥ 1.25


Console ≤ 1.24

# Parameters for integrated mode
# ------------------------

Save and synchronize / Synchronize

Click Save to update the settings - a successful update will generate a success message:

Declaring a new Node in Console 1.x only when the embedded Dashboards have already been configured requires that you save the Dashboard Integration settings to ensure any snapshots generated with the Node before it was declared are made available in the dashboards.