Summary: documentation for the Application Details panel in the Console Administration Center.

Accessing the Application Details panel

Login with a user account that already has the Admin role and switch to the Admin Center:

Now move to the Applications panel:

Click the Options button (three dots) for the Application you are interested in and select View Details:

Choose the details you require:

License Key

This section is only available when the following is true:

This panel enables you to update/replace a Named Application license key - for example if the license is expiring and you have a new replacement license key. To do so, enter the replacement license key in the License Key field and then click Update. Note that the replacement license key MUST contain the SAME application name as the previous license.


This section:

  • lists all backups of the current Application that have already been created
  • provides an option to run a new backup
  • offers additional options to manage existing backups

Click to perform a new backup. You will be prompted to choose the items you would like to backup (all are ticked by default), then click Backup to start the process:


Choose the name for the backup. By default the name will use the following syntax: APPNAME_YYYY-MM-DD.

Backup application schemas

Tick to backup the Application's associated schemas (they will be backed up in .cssbackup format). Note that ticking ONLY this option will mean that the backup cannot be restored in Console (the delivery folder is also required).

Backup delivery folder

Tick to backup the Application's Delivery folder (this will be backed up in uncompressed format). Note that:

  • selecting this option will also backup any options set at version level, for example exclusion patterns, source path, objective choices (these are included from Console v. ≥ 1.22) in XML format. 
  • ticking ONLY this option will mean that the backup cannot be restored in Console (the application schemas are also required).

What is backed up?

  • the Application's associated schemas will be backed up in .cssbackup format
  • the Application's Delivery folder will be backed up in uncompressed format
  • Options set at version level within the Application, for example exclusion patternssource pathobjective choices (these are included from Console ≥ 1.22) in XML format
  • Snapshot Indicator records (these are included from Console ≥ 2.4)
  • If you are using the onboarding with Fast Scan workflow (see Application - Overview with Fast Scan), all fast scan data is included in the backup

Where is the backup stored?

When a backup is run, CAST Console will temporarily store data on disk before transferring the successful backup data to the default storage location described above. This temporary storage is located on the Node responsible for the application that is being backed up. This location is governed by the CAST_CURRENT_USER_TEMP_PATH variable defined by AIP Core in the %PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\8.x\CastGlobalSettings.ini file:


The successful backup is then stored in the following locations by default:

≥ 2.x Enterprise: \\SHARE\aip-node-data\common-data\backup\<application_name>\<appname>
≥ 2.x Standalone: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AIP-Console-Standalone\shared\backup\<application_name>\<appname>

1.x: %PROGRAMDATA%\AipConsole\AipNode\backup\<application_name>\<appname>

For more information about storage requirements, changing the locations and the CastGlobalSettings.ini file, see:

DateDate and time the backup was taken.

There are three possible types:

  • DELIVERY: The backup contains only the delivery folder. This backup cannot be restored in Console (the application schemas are required).
  • SCHEMA: The backup contains only the application schemas.  This backup cannot be restored in Console (the delivery folder is required).
  • ALL: The backup contains both the delivery folder and the application schemas. This backup can be restored in Console.
SizeTotal size of the backup in MB.

Click to restore the selected backup.

What is restored?

  • the Application's associated schemas will be restored (i.e. existing schemas are deleted and replaced by those in the backup)
  • the Application's associated Delivery folder will be restored (i.e. the existing Delivery folder will be deleted and replaced by the data in the backup)
  • Options set at version level within the Application, for example exclusion patterns, source path, objective choices (these are included when restoring backups taken with Console ≥ 1.22)
  • Any Version created after the backup was created will be deleted
  • Any other backups created after the restored backup was created, will be deleted
  • The version that was current at the time the backup was created will be set as the current version once again
  • The Measurement Service schema will be synchronised using the data in the restored schemas
  • If you are using the onboarding with Fast Scan workflow (see Workflow - Application onboarding with Fast Scan), all fast scan data is restored

Post-restore recommendations

CAST highly recommends that you action the following post-restore to ensure that the restored application has all elements in place:

  • Fast Scan onboarding mode: Run a new scan (analysis) of your application with the existing source code, then perform a snapshot and upload to CAST Imaging
  • Legacy onboarding mode: Add a new version (using existing source code) and run a new analysis, then perform a snapshot and upload to CAST Imaging


Starting CAST Console 2.9, if you restore a backup from previous release of CAST Console, specifically for applications that use the Fast Scan onboarding mode, some information will not be restored:

  • project exclusion rules
  • custom extensions
  • application indicators
  • new scan versions

Click to download the selected backup as a ZIP file.

Click to delete the selected backup.

Database Schemas

This section lists the schemas associated with the current Application. These will be named as follows:

  • Management schema (<appname>_mngt)
  • Analysis schema (<appname>_local)
  • Dashboard schema (<appname>_central)

The CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance on which the schemas are stored will also be displayed in the top bar:

You may occasionally see schema names starting with uuid_ listed in the Name column. This can occur in the following situations:

  • When characters such as _ (underscore) and (full stop/period) are used in the corresponding Application name, these characters are NOT authorized for use in schema names.
  • If schemas already exist on the target CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance with the same name.

CAST Support (Sherlock)

This  section:

  • lists all Sherlock exports that have been performed of the current Application
  • provides an option run a new Sherlock export
  • offers additional options to manage existing exports

Click to perform a new Sherlock export if you are requested to by CAST Support. This can take some time if the Application is large (i.e. large amounts of source code, snapshots etc.). The following location is used to store the export on the Node hosting the current Application:

≥ 2.x Enterprise: \\SHARE\aip-node-data\common-data\sherlock\<application_name>\<export_name>.zip
≥ 2.x Standalone: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AIP-Console-Standalone\shared\sherlock\<application_name>\<export_name>.zip

1.x: %PROGRAMDATA%\AipConsole\AipNode\data\sherlock\<application_name>\<export_name>.zip

See Creating a CAST Support Tool export for CAST Support.

Click to download the selected export as a ZIP file.

Click to delete the selected export.


Displays the current node used for the Application, or Any if load balancing mode is in operation.

Behaviour in Console ≥ 2.4

Enterprise mode

In ≥ 2.4 (Workflow - Application onboarding with Fast Scan) and ≥ 2.8 (Workflow - Application onboarding without Fast Scan), Console will automatically function as follows:

  • Applications are not tied to a specific Node
  • Node instances are considered to be stateless
  • Console will automatically operate in load-balancing mode where Nodes are chosen from the pool of Node instances to perform the next job (analysis/snapshot etc.) in this order:
    • the Node running the most recent release of AIP Core will be chosen first, above all others
    • if all nodes are running the same release of AIP Core, then the least used Node instance is selected

Therefore, by default, this section will display Any as follows, indicating that any Node can be used to process the application, provided that the release of AIP Core running on the Node is equal to the release of AIP Core used for your Application for previous actions:

However, it is sometimes necessary to ensure that a specific node is always used for a specific Application - for example, the Node may be configured with specific hardware (RAM, CPU etc.) that the Application requires. If this is the case then you can choose the node you require from the drop down list:

Note that Console will ONLY offer Nodes running the same release of AIP Core used for your Application for previous actions: Nodes running older releases of AIP Core will not be offered for selection.

You will then be warned that the selection is irreversible:

The selected node is then displayed and the option cannot be changed:

If you are using the Workflow - Application onboarding with Fast Scan:

...or if you are using the Workflow - Application onboarding without Fast Scan, and you choose a specific node in the Add application dialog box:

...then this option will be disabled and the node dedicated to the application will be displayed for information only:

Standalone mode

The panel is not displayed because only one node can be configured in standalone mode.

Behaviour in Console 2.0 - 2.3

This section is not available because:

  • Applications are not tied to a specific Node
  • Node instances are considered to be stateless
  • Console will automatically operate in load-balancing mode where Nodes are chosen from the pool of Node instances to perform the next job (analysis/snapshot etc.) in this order:
    • the Node running the most recent release of AIP Core will be chosen first, above all others
    • if all nodes are running the same release of AIP Core, then the least used Node instance is selected

Behaviour in Console 1.x

This section lists the Node which hosts the Application - for information only:

Debug options

Show SQLWhen activated, this option will render SQL queries used by Console in all log files. Please do not activate this options unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.
Activate AMT Memory ProfilingPlease do not activate this option unless you are requested to do so by CAST Support as part of a troubleshooting exercise.
Include debug messages

When activated, this option will enable detailed log messages. The option will return to the disabled position automatically immediately after the next analysis job has completed. This is so that debug messages are only made available in the analysis log file when the are required: if the option is left enabled for all analyses, analysis log messages can become very large.