CAST highly recommends updating to the new release of Console to take advantage of new features and bug fixes. See Upgrade process for more information about this.

Compatibility matrix

ComponentRequired releaseNotes
Installer for embedded dashboards (when using standalone or Windows JAR installers)


You must use the installer provided with the current release of Console, otherwise there is no guarantee of compatibility.
CAST Imaging≥ 2.5.2-funcrel-



Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
42905Fixes an issue where after migrating several applications from Console V1 to V2 and manually updating the Deployment folder path, some of the applications fail the Resync action.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
42099Fixes an issue that occurs when Console (Enterprise mode) has two or more nodes configured to use an Extend Local Server, and where a change has been made in a bundle which is then uploaded to Extend Local Server: one or more of the Nodes keep failing to connect to Extend Local Server because their Extend API key stored in the "aip_node" schema in the "settings" table is corrupt due to the presence of unusual characters.
42586Fixes an issue where the standalone "Log Service" provided in Enterprise and Standalone modes was consuming excessive amounts of CPU resources, even when the associated Node was not running a Console job.
42629Fixes an issue where attempting to run the Enterprise mode "Service Registry" installer in CLI mode on a Linux server results in the error "SEVERE: com.izforge.izpack.api.exception.IzPackException: Console implementation not found for panel: com.castsoftware.aip.service.registry.installer.panels.ServiceRegistryInstallPanel".



All new features and improvements added in previous 2.9.0 beta releases are also included in this release. See the corresponding release notes for more information.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-14528Technical information displayed in the left hand section of the log panel ( such as "universal", "AUTO-UA-", "AUTO_UA_", "AUTO-", "UA-" etc., has been removed. This information was technical in nature and not relevant.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
40116New applications created in this release and any future release will not be authorized to contain the & (ampersand) character in their name (previous releases accepted this character as valid). This is to ensure that applications can be correctly managed by CAST Dashboards where the use of the ampersand in application names causes issues. If you have existing applications which contain the ampersand character in the name and you are having issues with this application in the CAST Dashboards, you can rename the application and re-run an analysis/snapshot to ensure that the name change is transferred to the CAST Dashboards. See and and for more information about application naming conventions.
33374Fixes an issue where, when attempting to create a Reference Finder rule with PHP as the "Source" technology, no PHP "Object Types" are available even though the application in question correctly contains this type of object.
38536Fixes an issue where, when attempting to create a Reference Finder rule with PL1 as the "Source" technology, no PL1 "Object Types" are available even though the application in question correctly contains this type of object.
37150Fixes an issue where Oracle Forms Reports Analysis Units were not visible in CAST Console for selection when defining a user defined module, or when choosing the "Per Analysis Unit" module strategy.
41563Fixes an issue where when attempting to login in to CAST Console, the application home page takes an excessively long time to display. This issue was caused by CAST Console attempting to load assets from the URL "" - if access to this URL was not available, the application home page would only display after a timeout period.
41716Fixes an issue where the error "Detect Framework Exclusions completed with non-zero error code : 2" is listed in the log viewer during the "Code Scanner/Content Discovery" step.
41661Fixes an issue where the number of unanalyzed files in the Analysis Report is not updated on completion of a new analysis, specifically when all the unanalyzed files from the previous analysis are analyzed in the new analysis.
41060An update has been made to the documentation regarding instructions for enabling secure access (https) to Console. See
41881A fix has been implemented to ensure that the log file explains clearly why the error "C:\CAST\common-data\ApplicationDeclaration\<app_name>.mavenHttpPackage.xml (The specified file cannot be found). Return value: 1000" has occurred during the "Create package" step (this error typically occurs when a proxy is required by CAST Console and one is not defined and therefore the Maven repository cannot be accessed). In addition, if this error occurs, the job will now fail immediately.
41629An update has been made to the documentation regarding instructions for enabling secure access (https) to Console. See
41394Fixes an issue where custom exclusion patterns starting with "-" were ignored by CAST Console, therefore causing additional code to be analyzed which should have been excluded.
41782Fixes an issue where, after an upgrade from Console V1 to V2 using the dedicated migration tool, the "Resync" action for an application (available in the Admin Center) failed.
40856Fixes an issue present in legacy workflow without Fast Scan: erroneous additional exclusions are added by Console when adding a new version to an analyzed application where exclusions were only configured in the previous version. Note that if duplicate exclusions exist and the application is upgraded to Console 2.8.1-funcrel (or above), the duplicate exclusions will still exist.
41720Fixes an issue where Analysis Results Indicator justification comments were lost when moving to a new page within Console.
41816Fixes an issue where the Exclude Files mechanism was erroneously excluding files in any folder that contains the name of the exclude pattern, rather than confining the exclusion only to the specific folder configured in the exclude pattern.

Known Issues

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-15050When using CAST Console with AIP Core 8.3.52 and there are multiple "metrics calculation" job steps within an analysis, it is not possible to distinguish between each distinct step in the log panel because all steps are named "Running metrics calculation".
WEBI-15021When using CAST Console Enterprise mode in a Docker environment, and after running a new scan on an application that has been moved from legacy to fast scan mode, the warning popup about running a new scan post move to fast scan mode is re-displayed. Cancelling the popup will ensure it is no longer displayed.
WEBI-14985When a job is running and an alert has been generated and the "View details" option for the alert is clicked, the user is taken to the incorrect line number in the log where the alert was triggered.
WEBI-14895Logs displayed in the "Log panel" are limited to 3000 lines (for performance reasons) and therefore to view the entire log it is necessary to download it.
DASHBOARDS-5039When using CAST Console Enterprise mode in a Docker environment, no violations are ever displayed in the "embedded" Engineering Dashboard - the following error is recorded in the developer browser toolbar: "views.js:2288 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'exclusionManager')".


Feature Improvements

UI - Job Progress Window - Log panel minor improvementsSome minor improvements has been added to the Log panel available in the Job Progress Window: 1) The font size for the left hand section has been reduced, 2) two icons are now used in the left hand section to denote steps and sub-steps, 3) the Alert panel section can now be hidden, 4) the log list and log panel can be re-sized as required, 5) a "Download" button has been added to download the log file, 6) a "Summary" tab has been added to match the layout provided in the standard log panel, 7) each tile for a specific step (such as "Configure", "Analyze", "Upload" etc.) now shows the the last three sub-steps that have been run. See
UI - Job Progress Window - Alerts for non-UTF-8 filesAlerts are now provided when your source code contains files that are encoded with a character set other than UTF-8 (which can cause problems during the analysis phase). See
Technical - Onboarding with Fast Scan - Automatic conversion to UTF-8Additional properties have been made available to control the automatic conversion to UTF-8 feature: pathsInReports, logRetainedFiles, logRejectedFiles, logConvertedFiles, fileExtensionsAdded, fileExtensionsRemoved, preservedEncodings. See
UI - Overview panel (legacy and Fast Scan modes) - Analysis Reports accuracyA change has been made to ensure that the "Fully Analyzed" and "Not Analyzed" statistics are more accurate: 1) .uax files resulting from CAST Database extractions will now be included in the "Fully Analyzed" count and 2) files which require preprocessing such as .uaxdirectory or PDS Dump files will be included in the "Not Analyzed" count.
UI - Job Progress Window - Analysis Alerts - View IssueThe "View Issue" button available for analysis alerts now functions and clicking it will take you to the specific line in the analysis log file where the alert occurred. See
UI - Job Progress Window - Alerts for unanalyzed filesWhen an analysis has been completed, CAST Console provides two alerts about files that have not been analyzed: 1) A global alert to cover all unanalyzed files for whatever reason and 2) a specific alert for files that were analyzed and Console is not able to provide a reason. If you receive these alerts, you should investigate why they have been triggered by examining the analysis log files. See
UI - Overview panel (legacy and Fast Scan modes) - Analysis Reports - Unanalyzed filesWhen unanalyzed files are reported in the "Not Analyzed" column, this can be clicked and a dialog box will open listing the files (and their path) that have not been analyzed. Starting from AIP Core 8.3.52, this dialog box will now also provide a reason why the file has not been analyzed, where possible (sometimes there will be no reason and this is generally because the analyzer has skipped them). See

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-14857A minor update has been implemented to ensure that Console now provides the GUID of the current application in the "console_information.json" file. This file is used by the com.castsoftware.consoleinformation extension ( and the change was implemented to ensure that CAST Imaging is aware which application this refers to if the "name" of the application is changed in CAST Console. This change also ensures that when using CAST Imaging 2.18 (or above) and the renamed application is re-uploaded to CAST Imaging, the existing application in CAST Imaging will be overwritten, rather than creating a "new" application with the new name.


Feature Improvements

UI - Onboarding with Fast Scan - Node selection for Fast ScanWhen using Enterprise mode with multiple Nodes, it is now possible to choose a specific Node for the initial Fast Scan process. Previously CAST Console would function in load balancing mode where a specific Node was selected by CAST Console to perform the Fast Scan process. It is still possible to use load balancing mode if required (select "Any" instead of a specific Node). See
UI - Job Progress Window - Log panelThe View Logs button now takes you direct to a log interface for the current job so that you can view the logs during the ongoing job. See
UI - Job Progress Window - Alerts for missing JAR filesAlerts are now provided for JEE related analyses when JAR files (referenced in the source code) cannot be found during the analysis (these type of alerts are particularly important for the accuracy of the overall analysis results). See
UI - Job Progress Window - Alerts for Analysis IndicatorsAlerts are now provided for Analysis Indicators (i.e. when an indicator does not meet the predefined threshold value an alert is generated). See
UI - System Alert - CAST Highlight token expiryIf your CAST Highlight token expires (tokens are valid for a finite duration), a system alert will now be generated to inform you. See
Admin Center - PDS Dump configurationThe predefined set of library extensions has been expanded in this release to include: COBX (.cob), CPYX (.cpy), JCLX (.jcl), PSBX (.psb), DBDX (.dbd), BMSX (.bms). See

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-14780The Analysis Reports section in the Overview panel (both in the Fast Scan and legacy workflows) has been modified to remove three columns of information: Total, Excluded and To Analyze since the "Analysis Report" is information provided about the analysis itself. See and


New Features

Technical - Onboarding with Fast Scan - Automatic conversion to UTF-8It is now possible to enable (via the Node .yml configuration file) the automatic conversion to UTF-8 of all source code files whose encoding or character set is not UTF-8. This feature is not enabled by default. See for more information.

Feature Improvements

UI - Admin Center - Extensions Strategy - Customized extension filterA new filter has been introduced in the list of extensions: "User Strategy Extensions". This displays all extensions that have a default setting that has been changed, e.g. Auto Update enabled. Note that extensions will remain under this filter even when the customized setting(s) is returned to the default. See
UI - Onboarding with Fast Scan - Resume analysis behaviourWhen a job process is stopped or fails and Console offers the chance to "resume" the analysis, the UI has been updated to show which job steps do not need to be run again since they were successful in the previous failed run. This change is visible as follows: 1) in the "Logs" panel: steps that were successfully completed in the previous run will be greyed out, 2) in the redesigned job progress window introduced in Console 2.9, successful jobs are indicated with a green check mark. See
UI - Job Progress Window - AlertsThe redesigned Job Progress window will now display alerts/errors during a job. This features requires that the Log Service (see is installed, is running and is specifically enabled. See

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-14531A "debug" log option has been made available in the Admin Center at application level. The option is disabled by default. See
WEBI-14740Minor update in the redesigned job progress panel introduced in Console 2.9: the ability to manually close the window has been removed. Now, the window will close automatically when the job is complete or is stopped (fails). It can be re-opened using the icon in the bottom left corner. See
WEBI-14415A minor update has been implemented to rename the exiting term "Snapshot Indicators" to "Analysis Results Indicators" throughout the entire UI. See and
WEBI-14659Technical information displayed in the left hand section of the log panel ( such as "main_sources_<random_id>" and "My source file based execution unit" etc., has been removed. This information was technical in nature and not relevant.


New Features

UI - Onboarding with Fast Scan - new Job Progress windowThis release sees the introduction of a redesigned job progress screen. In previous releases, when any job was launched in CAST Console, the job progress was displayed in a panel on the right hand side, accessed using the icon in the bottom left corner. Now the panel on the right hand side has been replaced with a redesigned full screen panel. See

Feature Improvements

UI - Admin Center - Extensions Strategy - Bulk UpdateThe Bulk Update options have been revamped in this release: instead of tick boxes, it is now possible to bulk enable/disable the Auto Update, Force Install and Blacklist options using buttons. See
UI - Admin Center - Extensions Strategy - Reset SettingsA new button has been added called "Reset Settings" - this will reset all custom extension strategy settings to the default settings provided by CAST. See
UI - Onboarding with Fast Scan - Job step groupingChanges have been made to the job step grouping in Fast Scan onboarding mode: 1) All job steps related to the legacy Delivery Manager Tool that were previously listed individually under the "Configure" phase have now been grouped together under a new step in the "Configure" phase called "Prepare analysis config" (this includes the following existing steps: Creating package from source, Attaching package to version, Delivering version, Accepting Version, Set as current version). 2) All jobs related to the installation and configuration of the application schemas that were previously listed individually under the "Install" phase have now been grouped together under a new step in the "Install" phase called "prepare environment" (this includes the following existing steps: Create application schemas, Set up Management database, Declare application in Management database). Logging is unaffected and logs for each existing individual step are still available.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-12772When delivering and analyzing C++ source code, the .ppc file extension (used in C++ source code) was not correctly mapped in the analyzer config property file, which caused issues. This is now resolved.


Feature Improvements

Technical - Application naming syntaxNew applications created in this release and any future release will not be authorized to contain the & (ampersand) character in their name. This is to ensure that applications can be correctly managed by CAST Dashboards where the use of the ampersand in application names causes issues. If you have existing applications which contain the ampersand character in the name and you are having issues with this application in the CAST Dashboards, you can rename the application and re-run an analysis/snapshot to ensure that the name change is transferred to the CAST Dashboards. See and and for more information about application naming conventions.
UI - Architecture Studio - Model Properties for DocumentationWhen editing the properties of a model before publication, the mandatory fields under the "Documentation" tab are now pre-filled with "TBD" so that the model can be published even if the Documentation is not fully ready. See
UI - Admin Center - Extensions StrategyTwo new columns have been added to the extension list in the "new" Extension Strategy interface: 1) "Type" to indicate the type of extension (Labs, Product, User Community) and 2) "Changed on" to indicate the last time a property was changed (Auto-install, Version, Force Install, Blacklist). See
UI - Imaging Settings - Warning for incorrect connection detailsCAST Console now provides additional protection/warning for when the CAST Imaging settings (defined in CAST Console) are incorrect: for example the API was regenerated in CAST Imaging but was not updated in CAST Console. Now when this occurs, CAST Console will 1) display a System Alert to indicate the CAST Imaging settings are incorrect, 2) when using the Advanced option to run analysis jobs in Fast Scan mode, the Imaging steps will not be ticked, 3) when using the "Run Analysis" button in Fast Scan mode the Imaging related steps will not be run. See
UI - Overview panel Fast Scan mode - Tooltip for excluded filesA tooltip has been added to the right-hand panel of the "Zip/Folder Content" section in the "Overview panel" (Fast Scan mode) to show what pattern has excluded a specific file. See
Technical - Application backupImprovements have been made to ensure that all elements of an application (not just associated schemas and delivery folder) are backed up when requested (the backup action in previous releases did not include everything). CAST highly recommends that post restore, a new scan/version and analysis are actioned to ensure the application has been correctly restored. Some known issues exist for this feature, which are listed in the Known Issue section below. See also and
UI - Overview panel Fast Scan mode - Analysis Results Indicators - Minor UI updatesImprovements have been made to the Justification field (an icon has been added for adding a new or editing an existing Justification) and to the Remedy Action field (text is displayed directly in the list and a mouse roll-over will display the full text when it is too large for the list).
UI - Overview panel Fast Scan mode - Analysis Results Indicators - Update BannerWhen any configuration is changed, Console will detect this and display a banner in the Analysis Results Indictors section explaining that a configuration change has been made and offering an "Update" button. This button re-computes the indicators. See
UI - Overview panel Fast Scan mode - Warning for incorrect file encodingWhen a Fast Scan has been completed (status = "Fast scan done"), Console will now provide a warning if any file that has been submitted for the Fast Scan uses a non UTF-8 encoding. The warning contains a link to a popup dialog box showing the number of these files per language. It is suggested to convert these files to UTF-8 encoding before proceeding with the analysis, since non UTF-8 encoded files can sometimes cause analysis crashes.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-14533Fixes an issue where, when using the Gradle Discoverer ≥ 1.1.6 with CAST Console, the discovered AndroidManifest.xml is not displayed in the "Resources Files" section in CAST Console. This is a fix for a display issue only: the file was always correctly taken into account during the analysis.

Known Issues

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-14559The backup taken during an AIP Core upgrade is not "restorable" in CAST Console because of AIP Core release number mismatches. The workaround is to switch the Node back to the AIP Core release used before the upgrade, update the "application" table in the "aip_node" schema to set the application release number to the previous release number, and then perform the restore.
WEBI-14561After restoring a backup of an application that was analyzed or fully analyzed, and if you change some configuration settings and you then attempt to run an analysis with snapshot preparation, this step will fail with the error "local site is not up to date". The workaround is to add a new version and analysis/run a new scan and analysis with the existing source code.
WEBI-14580When restoring backups of application that were onboarded using Fast Scan mode or using legacy mode without version history, source code is not restored. The workaround is to add a new version and analysis/run a new scan and analysis with the existing source code.


Feature Improvements

UI - Fast Scan onboarding - Recompute Analysis IndicatorsWhen using onboarding with Fast Scan mode and having completed an initial analysis, it is now possible to recompute the Analysis Indicators (specifically indicators that only require an analysis and not an analysis and snapshot) - previously (in 2.8.0-funcrel) this action was not possible. See
Technical - Resuming analysis/snapshotAn update has been implemented to ensure that interrupted analysis / snapshot jobs are now resumed correctly just after the previous successful step. Previously, resuming was actioned in some cases from before the last successful step.
UI - Admin Center - Extensions Strategy - Bulk actionsIt is now possible to apply changes to multiple extensions at the same time (i.e. "bulk" changes). This is achieved by selecting one or more tick boxes in the list of extensions, which forces the "Bulk Actions" button to be displayed. See

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-14185Fixes an issue where applications from the two different workflows (with and without Fast Scan) were displayed in the "wrong" view, i.e. non Fast Scan mode Applications appearing in the Fast Scan mode application list and vice versa.
WEBI-14448Fixes an issue where an application created in non Fast Scan mode does not display immediately in the application list and requires a page refresh to get it to appear.
WEBI-14463Fixes an issue where an application created prior to the global license key expiry date could not be worked on after a new license key had been input: any job that was attempted failed with the error "license key has expired" even though the new license key was valid.
WEBI-14471Fixes an issue where any changes to exclusion rules/ignore patterns that are made after an initial application analysis are lost when a new analysis is attempted.
WEBI-14474Fixes an issue where after moving an application to Fast Scan mode, a 404 error is displayed in Console when trying to go to the legacy application overview page.