Note that CAST highly recommends updating to the new release of Console to take advantage of new features and bug fixes. See Upgrade process for more information about this.

Compatibility matrix

ComponentRequired releaseNotes
RESTAPI for embedded dashboardsRESTAPI 2.5.2-funcrel (Spring Boot ZIP).You must use the RESTAPI provided with the current release of AIP Console, otherwise there is no guarantee of compatibility.
CAST Imaging≥ 2.5.2-funcrel-


Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-12978Fix provided to remove log4j CVE still present in some pom.xml files inside the installer.


Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-12866An option has been made available in the "" file located on each Node - this enables you to disable the automatic application backup (application schemas and delivery folder) that is performed when an application is upgraded to a new release of AIP Core using the Console UI. The option is called "backup.aipcore.upgrade.enabled" and is set to "true" by default. Set it to "false" to disable the automatic application backup during the upgrade. See also

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
33613Fixed an issue causing an analysis to fail at the "install extensions" step when an extension has been added to the blacklist (to prevent its installation) but either an Objective has been ticked that requires the blacklisted extension or the blacklisted extension is "discovered" as necessary by Console. In this situation the "install extension" step will now proceed without issue and the blacklisted extension will not be installed.
37200Fixes an issue where some some C/C++ technology settings (i.e. "IDE Used for this analysis unit") are lost when performing a rescan and choosing to clone the existing version.
36242Fixes an issue where after moving an application from Console/Node A to Console/Node B, exclusion patterns defined in Console/Node A are no longer visible in Console/Node B.

Known Issues

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-12575A fix has been provided for this issue as described above under "Customer Bugs" (lost exclusion patterns), however, a known issue still exists as follows: if the application status is "delivered" (i.e. no analysis performed) the exclusion rules are not retained after transfer, for all other statuses, they are now retained.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
37043Fixes an issue where customized parameters (related to SSL configuration) in the are overwritten with default values when upgrading Console front-end to a new release.
34458Fixes an issue where a 404 "We are lost" page is displayed when attempting to save the Extend local server settings.
36785Fixes an issue where a 404 "We are lost" page is displayed when attempting to save the Extend local server settings.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
36616When an application previously managed with CAST Management Studio is imported into Console, Console will automatically choose the incorrect version when performing a rescan of the imported application (Console chooses the most recent version based on the last modified date, rather than the capture date). This issue has been fixed and the most recent version is now determined using the capture date.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
36126Fixed an issue where "JEE File Discoverer" Project Exclusion settings were not retained post upgrade leading to inconsistency in jobs discovered.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
36123Fixed an issue where Project Exclusion Settings were not retained post upgrade leading to inconsistency in jobs discovered.
36242Fixed an issue where Project Exclusion Settings were not retained post upgrade leading to inconsistency in jobs discovered.



A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the third-party tool h2 database (all releases prior to 2.0.206) used by both the AIP Console front-end package and the AIP Node back-end package ( For more information about this, see

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
WEBI-11552Delivered Engineering Dashboard release: 2.5.2-funcrel. Delivered Health Dashboard release: 2.5.2-funcrel. Note that a ZIP file is provided as standard (no installer).
WEBI-11954Some existing Snapshot Indicators have been removed in this release. If you have been using any of the following indicators in a previous release of AIP Console, their results will no longer be available: Added/deleted Excluded Objects Count, Added/deleted Objects variation, Complete Transactions with only End Points, LoC Variation (Technology Level), Transactions Variation, TF/DF Weight Ratio, Technology Wise LoC - No Change, Unreferenced Objects Variation. If you need to retain any of the results of the Snapshot Indicators that have been removed, ensure you download them in the Application Overview page. See

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
32263Fixed an issue where the analysis failed due to the technology module not being correctly tagged to the Analysis Unit module.
32279Fixed an issue where the Architecture Map was showing technologies that did not exist in the source code.
32866Fixed an issue where the integration password for embedded Dashboards could not be encrypted.
34825Fixed an issue where the AngularJS extension was not installed automatically despite the source code containing AngularJS files.
34029Fixed an issue where the Architecture Map was missing some technologies that existed in the source code.
33306Fixed an issue causing a "NullPointerException" when running automatic snapshot clean up jobs.
34037Fixed an issue where uploaded source code zip files were not removed post analysis causing excessive disk usage.
34004Fixed an issue where Mainframe file extension settings defined at the technology level are not taken into account at the Analysis Unit level and files with the newly configured extensions were not analyzed.
33097Fixed an issue where the Architecture Map was showing technologies that did not exist in the source code.
33863Fixed an issue where the Architecture Map was not displaying anything at all.
33639Fixed an issue where the snapshot upload to the Measure schema runs for a long time and cannot be stopped.
33973Fixed an issue where a dependency to SQL Analysis Units were not automatically created during the delivery of V2 of an application containing a SQL database that was not present in V1.
34542Fixed an issue where a dependency to SQL Analysis Units were not automatically created during the delivery of V2 of an application containing a SQL database that was not present in V1.
35286Fixed an issue where a dependency to SQL Analysis Units were not automatically created during the delivery of V2 of an application containing a SQL database that was not present in V1.