AIP Console - Dashboard Configuration Issues - Integrated EH dashboards installation failed to create the service properly


In CAST AIP Console 1.27.0, it is observed that, post-installation of CAST AIP Console Embedded Dashboard, referring to the page:  Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process

integrated EH dashboards installation failed to create the service properly.

Applicable Platform

AIP Platform


CAST AIP 8.3(tick) 
AIP Console VersionYes/No
AIP Console 1.27.0  (tick)
Action Plan

In CAST AIP Console 1.27.0, it is observed that post installing the CAST AIP Console Embedded Dashboard, referring page:  Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process

The Integrated EH dashboard installation failed to create the service properly.                                                                                                                                                                                 

Below are the steps needed to solve this issue:

  1. Navigate to path : <download_area>\com.castsoftware.aip.console.<version>-funcrel\cast-integrated-health-engineering-dashboard-<jar_version>
  2. Open the file dashboard-service-install.bat
  3. Change the bat file, so that these lines replace the prior ones in the *.bat file now (using the proper jar file for the console version being used):

    set SERVICE_NAME=dashboard-service
    set DISPLAY_NAME="CAST Dashboard Service"
    set DESCRIPTION="CAST Dashboard Service"
    set STARTUP_TYPE=auto
    set START_CLASS=org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher
    set STOP_CLASS=java.lang.System
    set STOP_PARAMS=1
    set JAR_PATH="%WORKING_PATH%\cast-integrated-health-engineering-dashboard-<JAR_VERSION_TO_BE UPDATED>.jar"
  4. Apply the above changes, save the file and run the dashboard-service-install.bat file.
  5. Launch the services for the embedded dashboard from the services.
  6. If you are still facing the issue , report the issue to CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant input for CAST Technical Support to reproduce the issue. 
Ticket # 34791
Related Pages

For the CAST AIP Console Embedded Dashboard, please see this page:  Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process

For more information on specific issues related to the dashboard operation and configuration not related to AIP Console, please see the following pages: