Action items after changing the operator user password when using CAST Console

Summary: A description of the things you need to update after changing the "operator" user password and when using AIP Console.


The "operator" user password is assumed to be set to "CastAIP". If this is not the case - i.e. you have manually changed it (see Changing the default operator and guest passwords for CAST Storage Service) - you will need to perform the actions listed below when using CAST Console.

It is not necessary to change the operator password in any .pmx file nor in the cms_inf_store_css table.

Step 1 - update CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL information

CAST Console ≥ 2.x

Information about the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instances available to CAST Console for analysis purposes is stored in a PostgreSQL schema as listed below:

CAST Console Enterprise edition - host CSS/PostgreSQL instance defined during the installation process for Java JAR/Global installers, or for a Docker deployment, in the CSS/PostgreSQL instance provided as a Docker container:
Schema name = aip_node
Table = database_connection_settings
Column = password

CAST Console Standalone edition - host CSS/PostgreSQL instance defined during the installation process
Schema name = node_standalone
Table = database_connection_settings
Column = password

For example:

Click to enlarge

To change the stored password, there are various methods available:

  • Use the CAST Console Admin Center (recommended)
  • Via PgAdmin (which is bundled with CAST Storage Service)
  • Use a SQL query

All are explained below. You should restart all Nodes after making this change.

CAST Console Admin Center

Update the operator user password using the Administration Center - Settings - CSS and Measurement settings in the CAST Console Admin Center via the Administration Center - Global Configurations panel. This is the recommended method because CAST will automatically encrypt the password for you:

Using PgAdmin

A plain text password will be accepted using this method, but CAST recommends encrypting the password first, see Using the aip-encryption-tool to encrypt credentials.

Edit the password column in the UI and paste in your new operator password:

Click to enlarge

Using a SQL query

A plain text password will be accepted using this method, but CAST recommends encrypting the password first, see Using the aip-encryption-tool to encrypt credentials.

Use the UPDATE statement changing the relevant items to match your environment:

UPDATE aip_node.database_connection_settings
SET password = '<new_password>'::character varying
WHERE guid = '<value_of_GUID_column>';

CAST Console 1.x

Update Nodes

A plain text password will be accepted using this method, but CAST recommends encrypting the password first, see Using the aip-encryption-tool to encrypt credentials.

On each Node which is using the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance for which you have changed the "operator" user password, you will need to update the file and then action a node restart. First, locate the following file and open it with a text editor:


Find the following lines:

# =============================
# CSS Server parameters
# -----------------------------
# to encrypt the password use aip-encryption-tool

The line database.server.password contains the "operator" user password in encrypted format. Paste the new encrypted password into replacing the existing encrypted password. Finally restart all Nodes where you have made this change.

Update Measurement schema configuration

If you have changed the "operator" user password for the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance used by your global Measurement schema, then you will also need to update the Measurement schema settings in the CAST Console Admin Center. Access the option via Global Configuration entry. This method will automatically encrypt the password for you:

Step 3 - perform a resync action on all relevant Applications

In CAST Console move to the Admin Center and choose the Applications tab. Perform a Resync operation on all Applications:

Click to enlarge

Step 4 - update CAST Dashboards

A plain text password will be accepted using this method, but CAST recommends encrypting the password first, see Using the aip-encryption-tool to encrypt credentials.

If your CAST Dashboards access any applications stored on a CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance for which you have changed the "operator" user password, you will need to update your configuration, depending on your environment. When you have updated the relevant file, save the file and then restart the web application or Apache Tomcat server.

Dashboards embedded in Console ≥ 1.25 and ≥ file in the deployed CAST-RESTAPI-integrated ZIP
JAR installer: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<folder>\

ZIP: deployed_zip\configurations\

Change the following line (there may be multiple CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instances referenced):

Dashboards embedded in Console  1.24

context.xml file in the deployed CAST-RESTAPI-integrated.war


Change the following line (there may be multiple CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instances referenced):

<Resource name="jdbc/domains/Resource1" url="jdbc:postgresql://my_css_server:2282/postgres"
username="operator" password="CastAIP"
Standalone ≥ 2.x dashboards file in the deployed WAR/ZIP

WAR: CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboards>\WEB-INF\classes\

ZIP: deployed_zip\configurations\

Change the following line (there may be multiple CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instances referenced):

Standalone 1.x dashboards

 context.xml file in the deployed WAR


Change the following line (there may be multiple CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instances referenced):

<Resource name="jdbc/domains/Resource1" url="jdbc:postgresql://my_css_server:2282/postgres"
username="operator" password="CastAIP"

Step 5 - update CAST Imaging source code viewer

If you are uploading your applications direct to CAST Imaging and you are using the CAST Imaging source code viewer, you will need to update the configuration to use the new password for the relevant CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL. You can find out more about this in Configure the source code viewer.