Set creation

This pages describes how to create a new set that will detect objects that you want to calibrate.

The below example shows just one way of creating a set (detection by object name), you can, however, use other methods: by inheritance and by type - these are explained further in:

Example scenario:

  • Your code contains specific Data Entities (in this case Microsoft views) that are always named with a specific prefix (in this case VW_)
  • You want these Microsoft views to always be counted using a specific DET and RET value - in this case 30 (DET) and 5 (RET)

To achieve the above:

  • Move to the left hand Browser.
  • Expand the Templates node and the Data Entities sub-node
  • Select the By naming sub-node
  • Right click the right hand Configuration panel and select New line from the contextual menu
  • A new entry (entitled "New") will be displayed in the Configuration panel on the right hand side:

  • Edit the Description column to reflect what this template set will do, for example SQL view prefix "VW_". Double click the field to invoke the text editor.
  • Choose an object type from the drop down list in the Type column - all objects that can be saved in the CAST Analysis Service are displayed in this list. In this instance, we need to select Microsoft T-SQL > Microsoft view.
  • Enter the naming convention you want to use to "match" the objects you require in the Name column. In this example, enter "VW%" (without quote marks). Double click the field to invoke the text editor. See the note at the bottom of the page with regard to the _ (underscore) character.
  • Finally, enter the DET (Data Element Types) and RET (Record Element Types) values you would like the corresponding objects to use. In this example, we have set the DET to 30 and RET to 5. Double click the field to invoke the text editor. Note that a value of 0 is not authorised.

Note that DET and RET values are required when creating Data Entity sets and DET and Contribute values are required when creating End Point sets. See DET, RET, Contribute values for more information.

  • You should end up with the following:

  • Finally, CAST recommends that you save any changes you have made (changes to existing sets, and the addition of new sets) using the File > Save menu option or the Save button on the Toolbar in order to avoid inconsistencies between the current configuration and function points results if you run a Compute action.

Note that when entering search strings in the Name column, a simple LIKE comparison is executed to find the matching objects. As such, you can use the following characters as wildcards:

- % (percent)
- this wildcard will match any string of characters, even empty characters
- _ (underscore)
- this wildcard will match any single character The wildcard characters % and _ cannot be escaped, therefore you cannot search explicitly for objects that contain these characters in their name. As such, you may find that when using the above wildcards, objects are matched which you do not require. If this is the case, please instead use the Free definition node where you can use the MATCH option with a Regular Expression to achieve what you need.

See Also

Where should sets be created? | Create a Set via Free Definition

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