Package Alert tab - Packaging alerts

Note that this section will only be populated once you have used the Package action on a Version or Source Package.

This section displays a list of any "alerts" that were raised during the Package action:

Alerts come in various different types (non-exhaustive list):

Undefined variable A variable has been discovered in the source code in the source package. The CAST Delivery Manager Tool cannot detect a value for this variable and therefore an alert has been created.
Missing project A reference to project, library file, folder or resource has been discovered in the source code package. The CAST Delivery Manager Tool cannot detect this specific item anywhere in the source code package and therefore an alert has been created.
Missing library file
Missing folder
Missing resource
Please note that if you exclude a folder and subsequently during the Package action the discoverer finds a reference to the excluded folder, then a Package Alert will be generated. There is no way to resolve this alert with a standard remediation (see Handling alerts below), as such, if you still need to exclude the folder and want to avoid an alert, you can exclude its contents only using a specific Regular Expression:

For example, you have a subfolder entitled "unittests" that you do not want to include in the Package - you exclude this folder. However, other code in the Package references this folder and as such a Package Alert will be generated when the Package action is run. Use forward slashes around the folder name in your Regular Expression to force the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to ignore the contents of the folder but keep the folder itself:


No Package Alert should be generated. See also: Package Configuration tab - Where is your source code? (Advanced Extraction settings).
Alert summary by type

This section lists all the alerts that have been raised for all the projects discovered in the source code package. Selecting an alert type will display the details of the alerts raised in the section below.

List of alerts of selected type

This table lists all the alerts for the selected alert type:

Alert Indicates the item that has caused the alert - a reference to an item in the source code package that cannot be detected, or a variable that is undefined.

Note that a source code "version number" will be added to the Alert column when a Technology that uses source code versioning has been packaged: Maven, OSGI and VB - see the 1.2 in the example below:

Project name Indicates the name of the project derived from the project's configuration files (web.config, web.xml etc.)
Project path Indicates where the project is located in the Source Code Package - this refers to a folder (for file based source code packages) and to a database (for databases based source code packages). If a dot "." is displayed, this indicates that the project is located at the root of the source package.
Handling alerts

Alerts generally indicate that the source code package is incomplete, that there is a configuration issue or simply that there is something wrong in the source code. If these alerts are not dealt with and the Version is delivered, then there is a risk that the source code analysis executed in the CAST Management Studio will be erroneous or may not even complete.

It is up to you as the Delivery Manager to manage these alerts:

  • some can be easily fixed by:
  • some may be more difficult to fix and you may need to alter your original source code and then repeat the Package action

Using manual remediation items

If you know that an alert can be resolved because a missing item is located in another source code package, you can create a manual remediation item that will "tell" the CAST Delivery Manager where the missing items are located. In the same way, missing variables can be manually remediated by defining the variable that is required.

When you next use the Package action, the CAST Delivery Manager Tool will use the remediation item to fix the alert. The alert will then be cleared. To create a manual remediation item see Creating a Manual Remediation.

Ignoring alerts

If you know that an alert is false or will not impact the source code analysis, then it is possible to ignore the alert. See Ignoring an alert for more information.

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