CAST RESTAPI integrated upgrade

Summary: This section describes the upgrade process for the integrated CAST RESTAPI when using the Dashboards embedded in Console. CAST highly recommends upgrading this file when upgrading to a new release of the Console/Node packages.

  • If you are not using the Dashboards embedded in Console, this step is not required. Instead, please see Standalone Dashboard upgrade.
  • You must always use the cast-integrated-health-engineering-dashboard-<version>.zip/.jar / CAST-RESTAPI-integrated.war file provided with the current release of Console.

Upgrading to a new release

The upgrade process is relatively simple and uses a side-by-side approach where the new installation is installed alongside the old one.

Step 1 - Ensure that the existing installation is stopped

Before starting, ensure that the existing embedded RESTAPI is stopped:

  • stop the Windows Service (if you are using one)
  • or stop it using a batch/script file
  • or stop Apache Tomcat

Step 2 - Deploy the new embedded RESTAPI and start it up

See Embedded CAST Dashboard deployment process for more details about how to proceed.

Step 3 - Remove/uninstall existing installation

Remove the existing installation:

  • Run the uninstaller if you are using a JAR installation
  • Delete the installation files if using a ZIP installation
  • Undeploy the existing CAST-RESTAPI-integrated.war file from Apache Tomcat - you can use Apache Tomcat manager to do this, or simply delete the relevant folder and file in CATALINA_HOME\webapps.

Step 4 - Check configuration details in Console admin center

Ensure you check that the configuration details in Administration Center - Settings - Dashboard Integration are correct. In particular the URL to the newly deployed .zip file may have changed.

This step is not required for those using more recent releases of CAST Console.

Step 5 - Check access to CAST Dashboards from Console

Browse to your Console URL, login and check that you can access the Engineering and Health Dashboards via the options:

Upgrading between CAST-RestAPI-integrated.war file - Console ≤ 1.24

Specific steps for those using Console ≤ 1.24 with an embedded RESTAPI requiring Apache Tomcat.

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Step 1 - Ensure Apache Tomcat is stopped

Before starting, ensure that Apache Tomcat is not running.

Step 2 - Deploy the new CAST-RESTAPI-integrated.war

Obtain the new CAST-RESTAPI-integrated.war file from the AIP Console media and rename it so that you can deploy it alongside the existing CAST-RESTAPI-integrated.war file, for example to CAST-RESTAPI-integrated_new.war. Now unzip the CAST-RESTAPI-integrated_new.war to the following location:


This should give you the following file hierarchy:

Step 3 - Copy and paste files from existing WAR file into the new WAR file

Copy the following files from the existing WAR file:


And paste them in to the relevant location in the new WAR file, overwriting the existing files if they exist:


Step 4 - Undeploy the existing WAR file

Undeploy the existing CAST-RESTAPI-integrated.war file from Apache Tomcat - you can use Apache Tomcat manager to do this, or simply delete the relevant folder and file in CATALINA_HOME\webapps.

Step 5 - Rename the new WAR file and corresponding folder

Rename the new WAR file and its corresponding folder to match the name used by the previous WAR file:

Step 6 - Restart Apache Tomcat

Restart Apache Tomcat and ensure that the CAST-RESTAPI-integrated webapp has started correctly using Apache Tomcat manager:

Step 7 - Check access to CAST Dashboards from AIP Console

Browse to your AIP Console URL http://<server>:8081/ui/index.html, login to AIP Console and check that you can access the Engineering and Health Dashboards via the options: