This panel provides options to configure a specific folder that can be used to deliver source code from. When configured, this method of delivery is in addition to the existing method to deliver source code as a ZIP file. The path should be a folder path, and should contain folders. 

Note that the source folder location should contain "raw" source code rather than a ZIP file. Providing a ZIP file in the source folder location will result in a failed source code delivery since Console is expecting "raw" unzipped source code files.

The following path syntax is supported for the source folder location path:

UNC network path\\server\source_code
Local path (on the server hosting Console)





Mapped or subst drives



When the option is configured, you can choose to deliver direct from this designated folder:

Onboarding with Fast Scan

Legacy onboarding

Only one folder in the designated path can be selected, so please ensure that all source code is presented in one "root" folder (you can organise it however you need to underneath this root folder):

Changing the source folder location between successive versions of the same Application will cause any Versions that were delivered using the previous source folder location to become "read only" in the Version management screen. CAST therefore recommends that you should avoid changing the source folder if you need to view details of previous Versions.

Use the delete icon to change the path to your source code folder: