Purpose (problem description)

This page handle the case when the display of the source code is incomplete

Observed in CAST AIP
8.3.x (tick)
8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (tick)
8.0.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS


Oracle Server (tick)
Microsoft SQL Server (tick)
CSS2 (tick)
CSS3 (tick)

Step by Step scenario

  1. Run analysis
  2. Take snapshot
  3. Open TCC AFP Calibration > Transactional Functions node
  4. View the call graph of Transaction
  5. Select an object of the Transaction
  6. View the source code of the object
Action Plan

Perform the below actions

  1. First check if the source code of the object was correctly stored on the knowledge schema, for that proceed as follows:
    1. Read the full name of the object:
    2. Get the stored source code of the file containing the object from the knowledge schema, for that run the following on the knowledge schema - SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on source code - How to get the source code of an object

    3. Get the source path of the file containing the object , for this run the following on the knowledge schema - SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to get the source path of an object

    4. Open the source file using a text editor.

    5. Compare the source file with the source stored on the knowledge schema.
      1. If the 2 sources are not identical, then the source code was not registered correctly on the knowledge schema during analysis step, for further investigation refer to CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer
      2. Else If the 2 sources are identical then check if the position of the object inside the source code is correct:
        1. Get manually the Cartesian coordinates of the object. Example :

          Horizontally, the source code of the object "CANCEL", start at line 20 and ends at line 20, vertically, the source code of the object "CANCEL", start at column 12 and ends at column 26. The algebraic representation of the geometric representation is the following:

        2. From the knowledge schema, get the algebraic representation of the object position on the source file by following the page - SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - How to get the algebraic representation of the object position on the source file. The algebraic representation of the example in the page is:

          1. If the stored Cartesian coordinates of the object are not identical to the Cartesian coordinates calculated manually then the position of the object was not computed correctly during analysis step, for further investigation refer to CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer
          2. Else If the stored Cartesian coordinates of the object are not identical to the Cartesian coordinates calculated manually then the position of the object was computed correctly during analysis step, and the issue is related to TCC viewer, contact CAST Technical Support. with the following Relevant input

Ticket # 13065

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