Tools - How to synchronize CAST databases triplet


This page explains how to synchronize the CAST Databases triplet. This is needed when reproducing an issue that is reported by a user on their environment.

Applicable in CAST Version
Applicable RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Synchronize the triplet

Please note:  The below steps are shown for the CAST Storage Service database. 

For the Oracle database, substitute the tables:

  • cms_inf_store_oracle for cms_inf_store_css
  • cms_inf_ora_localdb for cms_inf_css_localdb
  • cms_inf_ora_centraldb for cms_inf_css_centraldb

For the SQL Server database, substitute the tables:

  • cms_inf_store_sqlserver for cms_inf_store_css
  • cms_inf_sqlsrv_localdb for cms_inf_css_localdb
  • cms_inf_sqlsrv_centraldb for cms_inf_css_centraldb

Perform the following steps:

  1. Import management base (Management Service database), knowledge base (Analysis Service database), central schema (Dashboard Service database) to the Support server. For this refer to the following to the following page CSS Tools - Restore - Error - Failed to load main class com.castsoftware.cssadmin.cli.BackupSchema
  2. Change customer's host and port to your server's host (NEWHOST) and port.
    1.  Identify the ID of customer host and port first.

      select * from <MNGT_schema>.CMS_INF_STORE_CSS

      For example - the ID below is 13620 and will be used in the next step:

      select * from test_tcc_mngt.CMS_INF_STORE_CSS
      --13620;"2016-09-29 12:56:00.67";"localhost:2280 on CastStorageService";0;"operator";"CRYPTED2:90B1A6EC1618661401B724DB5AC34595";"localhost";2280
    2. Change customer's host and port to your server's host (NEWHOST) and port next using the ID found above.

      UPDATE <MNGT_schema>.cms_inf_store_css 
      SET    host = 'NEWHOST', 
             object_name = '<NEWHOST>'
      WHERE  object_id = <id>

      For example:

      UPDATE test_tcc_mngt.cms_inf_store_css
      SET    host = 'css',
             object_name = 'css'
      WHERE  object_id = 13620
  3. Check and change local schema.
    1. Identify the KB_ID in the Mngt database CMS_INF_CSS_LocalDB. There are two ways of doing this, by running the following queries.
      1. Run the following query If you know the name of the application name.

        SELECT object_name, localdb_id
          FROM distribution2_mngt.cms_portf_application 
          WHERE object_name = <YOUR APPLICATION NAME>

        For example

        SELECT object_name, localdb_id
          FROM distribution2_mngt.cms_portf_application 
          WHERE object_name = 'MyApplication1'
        --Here the KB_ID = 13627
      2. Run the following query If you know the name of the local database.

        SELECT * 
        FROM   <MNGT_schema>.cms_inf_css_localdb 
        WHERE  object_name = 'db_local' 

        For example

        SELECT *
        FROM   test_tcc_mngt.cms_inf_css_localdb
        WHERE  object_name = 'test_tcc_local'
        --13627;"2016-09-29 12:56:00.67";"test_tcc_local";"";;13620;1485767932;"";0
    2. Update the table CMS_INF_CSS_LocalDB with the new KB name by running the following query.

      UPDATE <MNGT_schema>.cms_inf_css_localdb 
      SET    object_name= 'new_local_schema_name' 
      WHERE  object_id = <kb_id>

      For example:

      UPDATE test_tcc_mngt.cms_inf_css_localdb
      SET    object_name= 'new_local_schema_name'
      WHERE  object_id = 13627
  4. Check and change central schema.

    1. Identify the Central ID in the Mngt database CMS_INF_CSS_CentralDB by running the following query:

      SELECT * 
      FROM   <MNGT_schema>.cms_inf_css_centraldb 
      WHERE  object_name = 'db_central' 

      For example:

      SELECT * 
      FROM   test_tcc_mngt.cms_inf_css_centraldb 
      WHERE  object_name = 'test_tcc_central'
      --13635;"2016-09-29 12:56:00.67";"test_tcc_central";"";;13620;1485767947;"";0;"My Corporate";""
    2. Update the table CMS_INF_CSS_CentralDB with the new CB name by running the following query:

      UPDATE <MNGT_schema>.cms_inf_css_centraldb 
      SET    object_name= 'new_central_schema_name' 
      WHERE  object_id = <cb_id>

      For example:

      UPDATE test_tcc_mngt.cms_inf_css_centraldb 
      SET    object_name= 'new_central_schema_name' 
      WHERE  object_id = 13635


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