Tools - Delivery Folder Consistency Checker

What's new?

Please see Delivery Folder Consistency Checker - Release Notes for more information.


The purpose of the Delivery Folder Consistency Checker is to navigate through your delivery folder and spot inconsistencies that could cause DMT failures

Some users have a unique delivery folder for all their applications. For testing purpose, administrators happen to copy some parts of the delivery folder to some sandbox, and work on the copy.

This is a risky operation, as Delivery Manager Tool is very sensitive to inconsistencies. This tool will help you check for these discrepancies.  If the log file shows no error, then your delivery folder is consistent.

The tool consists of :

  • a main component, as a Groovy script : CheckDeliveryFolderIntegrity.cgroovy 
  • a multi-application batch generator, made of :
    • a JAR file : CAST-AIPVersionsCollector.jar
    • a batch file : generateBatch.bat

This tool is provided by Maintenance Team, and published as an extension

Applicable in CAST Version
Applicable RDBMS


 Follow the below prerequisites before running the tool:


CAST-AIP must be installed on the server(s) where you launch the scripts.

Delivery Folder

The delivery folder should be accessible (local or network drive) from the server where you run the script

Check Delivery Folder Integrity

Since it is based on the Delivery Manager Tool, for performance reasons, the main component should be launched in one-application mode. Running it on several applications in a row requires a multi-application batch file.

This is why a generator tool needs to be launched on the machine. The generator tool is located in the batch_generator sub folder.

Generator Configuration 

The generator batch file (generateBatch.bat) must be configured with the following mandatory variables : FLATDIR, LOGDIR, DELIVERYFOLDER

Generator Configuration 

REM Mandatory
set "FLATDIR=<CAST AIP Installation PATH>"
set "LOGDIR=<Path to the log folder>"
set "DELIVERYFOLDER=<Delivery Folder>"

Generate multi-application batch file

Launch the generator batch file you have configured (generateBatch.bat). The output will be a multi-application batch file located in the main folder of the extension : LaunchDeliveryFolderConsistencyChecker.bat

Run the multi-application batch file

Launch the file you have just generated :  LaunchDeliveryFolderConsistencyChecker.bat

The main component will navigate through every package of every version of every application in your delivery folder

Check the log file

A successful log file looks like the following : 

Successful log file
DeliveryFolderConsistencyChecker -  
Using arguments:
	-file: CheckDeliveryFolderIntegrity.cgroovy
	-storagePath: C:\CASTMS-8316\Delivery
	-oneApplicationMode: dbb96c81-8ce5-4cab-80cc-48c723adaeb5
	-param0: Test-20220
Unused initial value dmttechnoscanner.SourceFileProject in field dmtxmlscanner.SourceFileDiscoverer.inputProjectType: delivery.ProfileOrProjectType
Log file: C:\Users\SFR~1.CAS\AppData\Local\Temp/DMT.log.txt
Running action: Execute a groovy script
	Using CAST-AIP version 8.3.16
	Delivery Folder Consistency Checker 1.0
	Starting to check integrity of the delivery folder
	Processing application : [Test-20220]
		Processing version : [Test-20220 / 1.0]
			Processing package : [Test-20220 / 1.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Test-20220 / 1.0] OK
	Application [Test-20220] OK

Saving document: Execute a groovy script
Document saved: Execute a groovy script (Duration: 1666 ms)
Return value: 0

Using arguments:
	-file: CheckDeliveryFolderIntegrity.cgroovy
	-storagePath: C:\CASTMS-8316\Delivery
	-oneApplicationMode: c8f5acfa-b855-4a03-b079-abfde76bd3a3
	-param0: Hopefully Last Test
Unused initial value dmttechnoscanner.SourceFileProject in field dmtxmlscanner.SourceFileDiscoverer.inputProjectType: delivery.ProfileOrProjectType
Log file: C:\Users\SFR~1.CAS\AppData\Local\Temp/DMT.log.txt
Running action: Execute a groovy script
	Using CAST-AIP version 8.3.16
	Delivery Folder Consistency Checker 1.0
	Starting to check integrity of the delivery folder
	Processing application : [Hopefully Last Test]
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 7.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 7.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 7.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 11.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 11.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 11.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 5.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 5.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 5.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 4.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 4.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 4.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 6.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 6.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 6.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 3.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 3.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 3.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 12.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 12.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 12.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 9.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 9.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 9.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 10.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 10.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 10.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 8.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 8.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 8.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 1.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 1.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 1.0] OK
		Processing version : [Hopefully Last Test / 2.0]
			Processing package : [Hopefully Last Test / 2.0 / Java] OK
		Version [Hopefully Last Test / 2.0] OK
	Application [Hopefully Last Test] OK
Saving document: Execute a groovy script
Document saved: Execute a groovy script (Duration: 4049 ms)
Return value: 0

If there is no error, then your delivery folder is consistent. Else, refer to the DMT Troubleshooting Guides.
