Created by Alex Thottunkel on Feb 11, 2022
Error Oracle Forms Extractor :Required Forms module not found
The message Required Forms module not found occurs if a file is not present or corrupted.
Impact:Missing links and objects.
Solution:To run the analysis with all dependencies.
Impact:Missing links and objects.
Solution:To run the analysis with all dependencies.
What does the generated statistics file during SAP extraction signify?
The statistics file is not used for analysis, it is like a log file. The number counts only files with ABAP extensions (not .xml or .list extensions).When you have a package PACK1 which contains a subpackage PACK2, you obtain 2 directories PACK1 and PACK2 (PACK2 is not inside PACK1) and visibly, the count of PACK1 files contains the number of ABAP files of both packages.
What are the supported languages for extractor selection screen for CAST SAP Extractor NG (New Generation)?
English and French are the only two supported languages for extractor selection screen. So end user should ensure to logged either in English (preferably) or in French.
Can the ABAP source code for the new SAP extractors be provided?
The ABAP source code for the new SAP extractors (versions 8.0.*) is not currently available.