
This page provides the approach to troubleshoot the issues which you may encounter while running the SQL TSQL (ASE and MS) extractors.

Source Extractor is a Component of CAST AIP that will help you Extract your Source code and help you analyze them using CAST.

For more information, refer to:

*Observed in CAST AIP
*Observed on RDBMS
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan
  1. If the issue occurs during the connection to the Database MS SQL Server or ASE Sybase server
    1. Check whether you are able to connect to the SQL Server using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
    2. If you are able to connect with SQL Management Studio, try the connection with the tool Oracle SQL Developper that uses a JDBC connection as used by the SQL Server Extractor.
    3. If you are not able to connect to the SQL Server using the previous tool, then no JDBC connection is allowed from the machine where you run the Extraction.
    4. If you are able to connect, use the JDBC Tester to test the connection by following the page Tools - JDBC Tester to check the JDBC connection
      1. Check the url used. The url must be like : jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<server>[:<port>][/<database>][;<property>=<value>[;...]] . When option are in [], they are not mandatory.
      2. If there is any instance, make sure that the property "instance" is defined in the url.
      3. Check that you are not using an alias instead of the server name.
      4. Check that you can contact the Server with :
        1. a ping : Open a command prompt and type ping <YOUR SERVER>. If it is not working, you cannot communicate with the Database Server → It is normal in that case that the connection fails. Make the connection to the server database possible.
        2. a telnet : Open a command prompt and type telnet <YOUR SERVER> <PORT>. If telnet does not connect, the Extractor will not also. The TCP/IP configuration of the database Server needs to be checked.
        3. Check that there is no Firewall that prevents the access to the port used the TSQL CAST Database Extractor:
        4. As a test, turn off the firewall that is in the Database Server.
        5. If you cannot turn off the firewall, add a new rule in the firewall to open the PORT of the Database SQL Server.
      5. If you are not able to connect to the MS SQL server using SQL Server Management Studio it means that the connection to the server on the machine is not authorized. Try from another machine
      6. If you are able to connect to MS SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio, find out what kind of connection it is.
        1. If it is a Windows Authentication :
          1. Make sure that the MS SQL Extractor is running in the same network than the Database MS SQL Sever.
          2. Use the following URL format when running the extractor on a Windows machine: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<SERVER>[:<PORT>];useNTLMv2=true;domain=xxx[;<property>=<value>[;...]]
          3. You may need to put explicitly jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<IP Address of DB Server>:<Port>;domain=<domain>;instancename=<Instance Name>;integratedSecurity=true;x=0  . Leave the Password Field blank.
        2. If it is a SQL Authentication :
          1. Make sure that there is no firewall that prevents the connection to be done.
        3. If the Database MS SQL Server use a SSL encryption, the property "ssl" must be added in the url. There are 4 options for the ssl encription :
          1. off --> SSL is not request or used; this is the default

          2. request --> SSL is requested; if the server does not support it then a plain connection is used

          3. require --> SSL is requested; if the server does not support it then an exception is thrown

          4. authenticate --> Same as require except the server's certificate must be signed by a trusted CA

  2. If the above points do not help you, navigate to the below pages.
  3. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the relevant input to help CAST Support team investigate your problem or procure the required information.

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