
This page provides the approach to troubleshoot the issues encountered while running the Peoplesoft extractors:

This page will help you solve problems related to Source Extractor for PeopleSoft.

Source Extractor is a Component of CAST AIP that will help you Extract your Source code and help you analyze them using CAST.

For more information, refer to:

*Observed in CAST AIP
*Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan
  1. Open the PeopleSoft Extraction log file
  2. Enable the Debug mode as below screenshot :

  3. Identify where the issue is occuring. In the PeopleSoft extraction log file, there information about :
    1. Connection to the PeopleSoft Server. It starts from DMT Extractor version and ends at Maximum Memory as below screenshot :
    2. Object Extraction. It starts on Layer: 0:
  4. Select the section you are interested in:
  5. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the following relevant input to help CAST Support team investigate your problem or procure the required information.


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