This page helps to resolve the issue of an error when trying to update an extension as shown in the screenshot below:
Figure 1
As shown above the extension update fails with the error "Framework is incompatible with the schema metamodel. It is generally due to an extension that has changed it's ids."
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x |
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Below is the step-by-step scenario leading to the problem:
Install an update to an extension.
The impact of the problem on the analysis or the dashboard is:
Unable to analyze using the extension updates
This is the result of an uncommon case of a prior extension which had some distribution issues with it.
To resolve this issue, perform a removal of the remaining information from the extension in the metamodel. This will allow you to proceed and update the extension.
- Open the metamodel XML file for the extension : it is located in folder %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST\Extensions\<YOUR EXTENSION>\Configuration\Languages\<YOUR_LANGUAGE>
- Looking in the metamodel file, check for a common prefix for the categories, types and properties in this extension. For example, for Angular JS extension, it would be CAST_AngularJS
- To remove extension information from the metamodel, run the following queries on all 3 CAST databases management (Management Service database), central (Dashboard Service database), and local (Analysis Service database), replacing <TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX> by the prefix determined in the previous step
If there is any confusion on the specific type that should be used in this query or on the cases for using this query, please contact: CAST Technical Support.
select METAMODEL_PURGETYPE(IdTyp) from Typ where TypNam like '%<TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX>%'
select METAMODEL_PURGECATEGORY(IdCat) from Cat where CatNam like '%<TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX>%'
select METAMODEL_PURGEPROPERTY(IdProp) from Prop where PropNam like '%<TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX>%'