Created by Alex Thottunkel on Feb 11, 2022
Server Manager
Where is the ServMan Connection Profile file stored?
ServMan connection profile is stored in CWSIProfileConnection.INI which can be found under : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CAST\CAST\7.X
Component Uninstall
How to delete Measure schema?
If there is a requirement to delete the measure schema (mostly because it is not being used or there are no plans of using it), then it can be deleted directly from pgAdmin. It can also be deleted from Server Manager with the help of "Component Uninstall" feature.
Deleting the Measurement schema will not have any impact on the other 3 schemas (Central, Local and Management) and no data will be lost because measurement schema stores the data of central after consolidation. Measurement schema is just responsible for displaying the results on AAD. Also, there will be no effect on the snapshot and analysis results that are existing since baseline or after baseline, if the measurement schema is deleted.