Purpose of Query
Follow, the query used in the dashboard to get the source code for given object_id
The object_Id is displayed in URL of the viewer source page like following one : http://localhost:8888/CASTAD632_2/?object=10173&frame=FRAME_CODE_VIEWER&site=0#objectCode
Run the following query on your Local Database. <OBJECT_ID> is the object id for which you want to see the source code.
Applicable CAST Version
Release | Yes/No |
8.2.x | |
8.1.x | |
8.0.x | |
7.3.x | |
7.2.x | |
7.0.x |
Applicable RDBMS
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Oracle Server | |
Microsoft SQL Server | |
CSS2 | |
CSS1 |
Query for
SELECT dsp.panel, dcs.source_path, dcs.source_code, dcs.source_error, dsp.line_start, dsp.line_end, dsp.col_start, dsp.col_end, o.fullname, k.objtyp, t.typnam FROM dss_source_positions dsp JOIN dss_code_sources dcs ON dcs.source_id = dsp.source_id JOIN keys k ON k.idkey = dsp.object_id JOIN objfulnam o ON o.idobj = k.idkey JOIN typ t ON t.idtyp = k.objtyp WHERE dsp.object_id = <OBJECT_ID> ORDER BY dsp.panel
Query result example
panel integer | source_path character varying(600) | source_code text | source_error character varying | line_start integer | line_end integer | col_start integer | col_end integer | full name character varying(255) | objtyp integer | typnam character varying(255) |
458 | C:\SBO - CAST\CAST-MS\735 FP05\Deploy\xxx FP05\MyPackage\xxxxx | /* #Script Version | 0 | 1077 | 1112 | 0 | 3 | xxxxx | 817 | FORMS_RDF_MODULE |
Query result interpretation
Query for Oracle
Enter the SQL query
Query result example
Query result interpretation
Query for SQL server
Enter the SQL query
Query result example
Query result interpretation
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