
This page will help you to solve problems you may face when using PotgreSQL tools like PGAdmin or PGSQL commands.

For more information, refer to the PostgreSQL official documentation.

Applicable Platform

Platform or <Sub Platform Version>


Action Plan
  1. If the postgres log has any of the errors below, then the memory should be increased and postgres restarted and the operation repeated with more memory.  This may also indicate a paging configuration issue as well, so that the paging configuration on the database machine should be reviewed as well :
    1. could not reattach to shared memory
    2. CreateProcess call failed
    3. could not fork <process>
  2. Select the pages that you are interested in.
  3. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the below Relevant input

Relevant input

  • Screenshots. Provide screenshots as example and explain what is important to show in them.