This page provide information about how to see free space of a machine remotely.
Release | Yes/No |
7.3.x | NA |
7.2.x | NA |
7.0.x | NA |
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Oracle Server | NA |
Microsoft SQL Server | NA |
CSS2 | NA |
CSS1 | NA |
There can be many ways to see. Once way can be to run DIR command.
DIR command usually list the files and folder of particular drive and also provide FREE SPACE at the end.
So to see the Free space of remote machine is to run the DIR command remotely.
- Run Net Use command on command prompt to provide the credentials to the network share
Net Use \\XX.XX.XX.XX\c$ /user:domain\username "password without quotes"
This will not map the share to a drive letter it will just provide the login details.
2. then run DIR command
DIR \\ XX.XX.XX.XX \c$
For example :
C:\Documents and Settings\AKM>dir \\XYZ\c$
Volume in drive \\XYZ\c$ has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 8C16-CDDD
Directory of \\XYZ\c$
10/08/2013 12:53 PM <DIR> CastDBManager
10/08/2013 12:01 PM <DIR> CastDBManager_agent_Install
10/07/2013 12:15 PM <DIR> CASTDBManager_Users
07/14/2009 04:20 AM <DIR> PerfLogs
10/09/2013 12:57 PM <DIR> Perl
12/31/2014 10:01 AM <DIR> Program Files
09/27/2013 09:29 AM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
09/27/2013 09:29 AM <DIR> temp
12/31/2014 09:47 AM <DIR> Users
01/02/2015 06:07 PM <DIR> Windows
0 File(s) 0 bytes
11 Dir(s) 44,639,391,744 bytes free