This page lists the steps involved in reproducing HD Issues.
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x | |
8.2.x | |
8.1.x | |
8.0.x |
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Oracle Server | |
Microsoft SQL Server | |
CSS2 |
- Always use a CAST AIP setup installation. For reproducing issues, flat installation is not recommended because the analysis/snapshot may fail. This can be due to files that are missing in the flat installation.
- Import the measurement database from the relevant input.
- Deploy the HD war provided by the customer. If there is an issue with the customer providing this, you can try to reproduce with the HD war for the associated CAST version, though if the issue is not reproducible it may be due to customized files used by the customer.
Modify the META-INF\context.xml in your deployed tomcat area for the database server and the measurement database name Configuring the CAST Application Analytics Dashboard
- Add a user to access the HD dashboard with the role ROLE_ADMIN if one is not configured or if the customer is using active directory (unless the issue is related to specific roles, then you may need to do further configuration as per the issue that is being investigated):Configuring user authentication
Activate SQL traces on HD logs using the steps in the page Health Dashboard - Information - How to activate SQL traces on AAD and RestAPI logs
Reload the application from Tomcat.
Navigate to the page where the issue exists.
In some cases where the issue is during consolidation of a central database, you may have to do the consolidation yourself to observe the issue. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Create a fresh Measurement Database.
- Restore the Central DataBase (s) of the customer.
- Consolidate the Central Database(s) one after the other.
If the issue concerns LDAP connection then you can use Apache Directory Studio tha's helps you to read customer configuration, you may refer to the following pages for more help:
- To install Apache Directory Studio: Health Dashboard - Information - LDAP connection - How to Install Apache Directory Studio for Windows
- To import/Eport customer configuration: Application Analytics Dashboard - AAD - Information - LDAP connection - How to Import or export a Directory in Apache Directory Studio
If the issue is not reproducible then provide the customer with the steps that you have followed as a workaround. If the issue is reproduced, then report this to R&D.