The page describes the process to delete Enlighten diagrams
Applicable in CAST Version
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x | |
8.2.x | |
8.1.x | |
8.0.x | |
7.3.x |
Applicable RDBMS
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Oracle Server | |
Microsoft SQL Server | |
CSS2 | |
CSS1 |
Run the following query in PGAdmin:
(replace %Generated% by your enlighten blueprint name and <local_cast_db> by your local cast database name) set schema '<local_cast_db>'; SET @LOOP_MOD = select IdMod, ModNam from Mod where Modnam LIKE '%Generated%'; SET @CTN = 0; SET @MAXCT = LINES(@LOOP_MOD); WHILE @CTN < @MAXCT BEGIN SET @modid = @LOOP_MOD[@CTN][0]; SET @modnam = @LOOP_MOD[@CTN][1]; PRINT 'Delete ModId: ' + CAST(@modid AS STRING) + ' ' + @modnam; SELECT mod_free (@modid, 1, '@modnam'); SET @CTN = @CTN + 1; END
In pgAdmin, you need to run it using the command “Execute pgScript” instead of execute query