Figure 1
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x |
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Step by Step scenario
- Take a full snapshot
- Deploy the ED WAR folder.
- Open ED.
Action Plan
Check if the missing application have snapshots - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on snapshots - How to get the ID and name of a snapshot for a given application
If yes then go to the next step, else the CB don' t contain any snapshot, please take a snapshot the try to connect to the ED. If this do not resolve your issue, then contact CAST Technical Support with the Relevant input
Get the global TQI for the snapshot - SQL Queries - CAST Central Base - Queries on applications - How to get the TQI by Technology TQI by Functional Module or global TQI for a Snapshot
If the query return rows then go to the next step, else the application has no results, contact CAST Technical Support with the Relevant input
- If this is not resolving the issue then contact CAST Technical Support with the Relevant input
Ticket # 6843