
This page provides the approach to troubleshoot the issues encountered while using the Refresh option for the Delivery Manager Tool (DMT)

The Refresh options transfer the contents of the CAST AIC Portal (i.e. the Source Code Delivery Folder) into the local CAST Delivery Manager Tool workspace, and as such DMT refresh is only available when delivering with the AIC Portal and not through CAST-MS.

For more information, refer to:

*Observed in CAST AIP
8.0.x (tick) 
*Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan
  1. Navigate to the page dealing with the issue you are facing :
  2. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page, contact  CAST Technical Support  and provide Delivery Manager Tool - Relevant Input
    With the Relevant input provided, CAST Technical Support will reproduce the issue following Delivery Manager Tool - Information - How to reproduce a DMT issue in Discovery Selection or Validation steps

Relevant Input

  • Sherlock Output. The option to select : Export Configuration files. If you launch DMT via AIC Portal and your delivery has not been successful, don't run Sherlock and retrieve the DELIVERY folder manually instead, at the following location on the machine you have launched DMT: %TEMP%/CAST/CAST/DMT.
  • The Plugins folder that is in the delivery folder is requested.
  • Screenshot showing the issue.

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