
This page is a guide to troubleshoot the problems you encounter using the Source Code Scan that occurs during the source code Package:

The scan step occurs after the extraction, that means that the source code is already extracted.

For more information, refer to:

*Observed in CAST AIP
*Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick) 
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan

When issue occurs during the SCAN Step the SCAN stops, and the packaging fails.

  1. Open the SCAN.castlog2 file that is in your delivery folder
  2. Check the last lines of the log file. There is error messages. Check in the below section if the issue is already managed.

Select the section you are interested in:

If the below section does not resolve the issue, contact CAST Technical Support with Delivery Manager Tool - Relevant Input for Support to reproduce.

To reproduce the issue, the sources.CastSourcePackage file that is in the Delivery Folder, and retrieved by Sherlock when the Export source code is enabled, is required. This file is a compressed file that contains the source code extracted.

Support will unzip this file to deploy the source and reproduce the issue by packaging the source file.


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