Created by Alex Thottunkel on Feb 11, 2022
What are the impacts of killing the DMT process ?
- There is no impact.
- But if you kill the process during the extraction, it may lead to some issues .The issue is that you cannot not execute the extraction again (lock on some files).
- Workaround: If you have several versions, is to clean the delivery folder :You need to keep the package folder, but you can remove all the files inside these folders.
List of return values in DMT CLI Java Code
1 error initializing CLI application OR saving the DMT's configuration
2 error parsing CLI options
3 error processing CLI options
4 error setting user preferences (Audience, AIC Portal Connection)
5 error initializing log system
6 error configuring CLI application
1000 error executing the CLI application
The 1000 error code is only used if the underlying standalone CLI crashes without returning its own error code (one of those listed below )
< 1000 : java error codes
1000 : arguments are not valid
1001 : generic error
1002 : check failure through an exception
2000 : database connection error
2001 : database extraction error