This page will help you to solve problems related to Run Escalated Links Calculation
It represents an indirect link between two objects and can be seen in CAST Enlighten.
Escalated links are stored to represent relation between “container” objects. These links are represented using a dotted line between objects. Each of these links may represent more than one direct link between objects in containers.
For more information, refer to:
- Official 8.3 Documentation - CMS - Common Technology options
- Information Guides > CMS Snapshot Analysis
- Error Free Logs - CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Escalated Links Calculation - Error Free Logs - CAST AIP 83
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x | |
8.2.x |
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Oracle Server | |
Microsoft SQL Server | |
CSS3 | |
CSS2 |
Proceed with the below points to troubleshoot your issue:
- If you do not see escalated links between 2 objects,
- Make sure that the option Escalate Links is selected
- Make sure that the objects belong to the same analysis unit. For this, run the query given in this page on your objects and compare the results. There should be at least one analysis unit ID in common between the results of the two queries.
- If the objects do not belong to the same analysis unit, you can not expect escalated links between them.
If the objects belong to the same analysis unit, this is a bug. Contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant Input. CAST Technical Support will reproduce the issue, by running the following command line with schema parameter as Knowledge database:
For CSS only<CAST INSTALLATION FOLDER>/CAST-LinksEscalator.jar -driver org.postgresql.Driver -url jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:2280/postgres -schema <YOUR_KNOWLEDGE_BASE> -user operator -password <Password> -projects <UserProjectID>
For Oracle only<CAST INSTALLATION FOLDER>/CAST-LinksEscalator.jar -driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver -url jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:1521/<YOUR_ORACLE_SID> -schema <YOUR_KNOWLEDGE_BASE> -user <YOUR_KNOWLEDGE_BASE> -password <Password> -projects <UserProjectID>
To get the UserProjectID, see SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on User Project - How to get User Project ID
If you see unexpected escalated links between 2 objects, contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant Input. CAST Technical Support will reproduce the issue, by running the above command line.
Relevant Input
- CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock with the following options: Export LOGS and Export CAST Bases, Knowledge Base only.
- Screenshot showing the objects with missing escalated link, or the objects with the unexpected escalated link.