
This page will help you to troubleshoot warnings you may face while running the analysis.

Warnings are non blocking messages, they do not prevent the analysis to be performed.

Warning messages are Technology Dependent.

For more information on analysis log messages , refer to: 

Official documentation

Online-help : CAST Management Studio - Help > How To > Regular audience > Run analysis only

TKB page for INFORMATION GUIDE > Information Guides >  Information Guides by CAST AIP Component >  CMS Snapshot Analysis 

*Observed in CAST AIP


*Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan

Perform the following steps:

  1. First step to be made is to evaluate the impact of warnings. This depends on the technology that is used, the analysis step, the type and the number of warnings:
    1. According to the analysed technology: 
      1. For JEE, .NET and HTML5 analyser:
        1. The analysis is based on a Core analyser and additional extensions that cover specific frameworks in order to enrich the core technology results. List of extensions for each technology can be found in:
        2. The additional extensions are logging messages on the log of the main analyser by including in brackets the extension name i.e [com.castsoftware.ExtensionName]. Else the waning is logged from the Core analyser:
          1. If the warning is logged by the main analyser, the the impact can affect objects, links  and QR of the technology that is analysed hence in general it is higher
          2. If the warning is logged by the framework extension, the the impact is local to that extension and can only affect  objects, links  and QR of the specific framework
      2. For all other technologies the impact of the warning can affect objects, links  and QR of the technology that is analysed.
    2. According to the analysis step where the warning occurs:
      1. If warning affects a specific file that is analysed(parsing or processing or link creation) and the analysis does not stop(i.e parsing or the next phase continues with explicit information messages on the log) then the scope of the warning is local. Example of local/file scope is the following:

      2. If warning affects the analysis steps after parsing where the results are consolidated then the impact can be higher. The message in log that provide this info can be specific to technology and extension, but some general rules to understand that this is the consolidation phase are:
        • The information message is coming is not preceded by a reference to a specific file
        • It may contain info  of the functionality that is being processed by referring to Start/Stop 
        • It may be a summary of the objects/links that are created by the extension using the extension name  i.e [com.castsoftware.ExtensionName]
          1. The impact in this case is relevant to whether the specific analysis phase stops or not. This is relevant to the the context of the log in general a stack trace that 'stops' an ongoing process like the following example where extension com.castsftware.nosqljava has produced an error stack trace at the summary/consolidation step:

            1. If the analysis phase stops like in the above example then the impact can lead to missing of all results (objects, links, QR) for nosql for Java extension. A verification of the impact on Objects and Links using Enlighten or Queries on Local db and on QR using the Engineering Dashboard may also be needed to validate this point
            2. If the analysis phase continues regardless of the warning, then the impact can be partial and info on the warning may help understand it
    3. According to the number of same warnings. While a warning may have a 'local'/limited impact, the impact may be an aggregate of the number  similar warnings in relation to the total source code. For impact of <5% of source the results can be acceptable, but this is also relevant to the use case, since certain parts of the analysed code may contain more crucial info then other parts. An example of this, is that if part or all of the files affected are used in the persistence layer i.e for db connectivity the impact on transactions can be blocking
  2. Get the Warning messages and check the official documentation to find info on the specific warning:
    1. Check reference for some technologies in review analysis logs
    2. There are additional info, based on the technology/analyser that can be found in CAST AIP Technologies Documentation
  3. Select the technology where the warning message appears in your Analysis Log file.
  4. If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with below Relevant Input in order to reproduce. 

Relevant Input

  1. Sherlock (CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock) : Export Cast Database (Management Base and Local Base only), Export logs, Export Configuration Files, Export source code
  2. Explanation about the problem and supporting screenshots

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