Purpose (problem description)

This page will help you to handle SQL Errors during the analysis. SQL errors could occur before the Saving step, and after the Saving step. See in the screenshot how to identify the Saving step. When the statement : "Comparin objects on server" and "Merging objects on server" appear, the process is at the saving step.


When the issue occurs before the Saving step, the analyzer is populating the IN Tables, that are working tables for saving items in the local database.

When the issue occurs after the Saving step, the working tables are used to populate the technical tables in the local databases.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan

Perform the following steps:

  1. When the issue occurs before the Saving Step, we will need to modify the definition of the IN table involved in the SQL Error:
    1. If the SQL error is NULL Value in column of an IN Table, go to the page CMS Snapshot Analysis - Run Analyzer - Fatal Error - SQL Error - Null value in column xxxx violates not null constraint - In Table involved
  2. When the issue occurs during the Saving step:
    1. Activate the IN Tables
    2. Run the Analysis.
    3. Provide the Sherlock output (option to activate are : Export logs, Export database dumps), to support technical support.
    4. Deactivate the IN Tables
  3. If the above step does not help, navigate to the below error messages :
  4. If the above section does not help contact CAST Technical Support and provide Relevant Input to help CAST Technical Support team reproduce and solve your problem.