Purpose (problem description)

This page provides approach to troubleshoot the problems related to Generate Modules feature under CMS Snapshot Analysis.

Modules are used to configure analysis results into meaningful groups or sets for display purposes.Objects cannot be seen in the CAST Dashboard if they are not part of a Module.

Observed in CAST AIP
8.2.x (tick) 
8.1.x (tick) 
Observed on RDBMS
Oracle Server(tick)
Microsoft SQL Server(tick)
Action Plan
  1. If the number of objects in modules is not as expected:
    1. Run the following queries to check the number of objects in Modules :

      1. The below query is based on the result of Analysis :

        SELECT   km.idkey                 AS "Module ID", 
                 km.keynam                AS "Module Name", 
                 kp.idkey                 AS "Project ID", 
                 kp.keynam                AS "Project name", 
                 tm.typnam                AS "Type of Project", 
                 tob.idtyp                AS "Type ID of objects", 
                 tob.typdsc               AS "Type of Objects", 
                 Count(DISTINCT k1.idkey) AS "Number Of Objects" 
        FROM     <local>.setroot sr 
        JOIN     <local>.keys km 
        ON       km.idkey = sr.idset 
        JOIN     <local>.objpro op 
        ON       op.idpro = sr.idroot 
        AND      prop = 0 
        JOIN     <local>.keys k1 
        ON       k1.idkey = op.idobj 
        JOIN     <local>.keys kp 
        ON       kp.idkey = op.idpro 
        JOIN     <local>.typ tm 
        ON       tm.idtyp = kp.objtyp 
        JOIN     <local>.typ tob 
        ON       tob.idtyp = k1.objtyp 
        GROUP BY km.idkey, 
        ORDER BY count(1) DESC, 

      2. The below query is based on Result of Analysis AND the Generate Module Step :

        -- Number of objects, per module, per type 
        SELECT   cpf.object_name      AS "Module Name", 
                 k.objtyp             AS "Type ID", 
                 t.typnam             AS "Type Name", 
                 Count(pso.object_id) AS "Objects Count" 
        FROM     <mngt>.cms_portf_module cpf 
        JOIN     <mngt>.cms_dynamicfields cdf 
        ON       cdf.object_id = cpf.object_id 
        AND      cdf.field_guid = 'entry' 
        JOIN     <local>.pmc_subsets ps 
        ON       ps.subset_name = 'CMS_MOD__' || cdf.field_value || '_Preparation2' 
        JOIN     <local>.pmc_subset_objects pso 
        ON       pso.subset_id = ps.subset_id 
        JOIN     <local>.keys k 
        ON       k.idkey = pso.object_id 
        JOIN     <local>.typ t 
        ON       t.idtyp = k.objtyp 
        GROUP BY cpf.object_name, 
        ORDER BY cpf.object_name, 

      3. The result of both the queries must be consistent.
      4. If the results are not consistent :
        1. Check if there are external objects involved in the second query by running the below query :

          SELECT cpf.object_name AS "Module Name", 
                 k.objtyp        AS "Type ID", 
                 t.typnam        AS "Type Name", 
                 k.idkey         AS "Object ID", 
                 k.keynam        AS "Object Name", 
                   WHEN op.prop = 1 THEN 'External object' 
                   WHEN op.prop = 0 THEN 'Internal object' 
          FROM   <mngt>.cms_portf_module cpf 
                 JOIN <mngt>.cms_dynamicfields cdf 
                   ON cdf.object_id = cpf.object_id 
                      AND cdf.field_guid = 'entry' 
                 JOIN <local>.pmc_subsets ps 
                   ON ps.subset_name = 'CMS_MOD__' 
                                       || cdf.field_value 
                                       || '_Preparation2' 
                 JOIN <local>.pmc_subset_objects pso 
                   ON pso.subset_id = ps.subset_id 
                 JOIN <local>.keys k 
                   ON k.idkey = pso.object_id 
                 JOIN <local>.typ t 
                   ON t.idtyp = k.objtyp 
                 JOIN objpro op 
                   ON op.idobj = k.idkey 
                      AND op.prop = 1 
        2. This query must not return rows. If it does, that means that the objects that are displayed are external objects:
          1. In CAST Management Studio check if there are tools after analysis and tools after module generation that change the properties of the object, turning it from Internal to External object.

      5. If the results of both queries are not as expected :
        1. Check and clean any ghost objects by running the queries described in the page SQL Queries - CAST Knowledge Base - Queries on objects - Identify and clean up all the ghost objects and ghost projects in your knowledge base
  2. If you are not facing issues related to incorrect number of objects, select the type of issue you are facing:
  3. If you do not find the information you are looking for or solution for your problem, in this page, contact CAST Technical Support with the below relevant input to help CAST Support team investigate your problem or procure the required information.

Relevant Input

  • CAST Support Tool (CST) - alias Sherlock : Option to select are Export Cast Dabatase, Export logs, Export Configuration files, Export source code. (Source code is required if we need to test corruptions that have been fixed)
  • Screenshot describing the error/warning

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