Purpose (problem description)

This page provides help with the error message 'Field XXX not found' during the Process CastDeliveryFile step of the Set as current version process. 

The error message can be seen in the screenshot below:

The error that has been reported and resolved in CAST 8.3.7 is one where the field not found is 'mx4JUsage'

Observed in CAST Version



8.3.x, x < 7(tick)
Observed in RDBMS



Step by Step scenario
  1. Deliver code with DMT
  2. Run 'Set as current version' in CAST-MS
  3. Error
Action Plan

This issue indicates that there is an inconsistency between DMT (Delivery Manager Tool) and CAST-MS when performing the action. 

This is currently solved in CAST 8.3.7. 

In versions of CAST 8.3.0 - 8.3.6, the following can be done to edit the classpath in the source code for the JAR file causing the problem.

  1. The issue solved deals with mx4j references
    1. Edit the classpath in the source code to remove mx4j references
      1. In the package content tab of DMT, identify the paths of the project. In the below example, the path is amisting/.project:
      2. Go to all project paths
      3. Open all .classpath file
      4. Remove all entries such as this from the .classpath file:  <classpathentry exported="true" kind="var" path="XXX/lib/mx4j-XXXXXX.jar"/>
    2. After editing, then package and deliver the source with DMT by forcing the extraction. 
    3. Then open CAST-MS and perform the acceptance and Set as current version tasks.
  2. This issue could also be seen when the packaging is done using old version of CAST. Like packaging done by 8.2.x and setting the current version in 8.3.x., so you need to do the below:
    1. Add a new version with a copy source code option enabled.
    2. Package the full version without forcing the extraction.
    3. Deliver the version.
    4. Set as the current version.
  3. If none of the above points resolve the issue, contact CAST Technical Support with Relevant Input for Support to reproduce. 



Ticket # 14061

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