
 When examining the deployment path of the deployed packages, sometime, the deployment path of some deployed packages is wrong as below example :

In the above example, the deploy path is S:\Sources\SAMS, and for two deployed packages, the deploy path is S:\Sources\SAMS_13782

Observed in CAST AIP

Observed on RDBMS
CSS (tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Package the source code
  2. Deliver
  3. Accept and set as current version
  4. Check the deployment path of the deployed packages

Action Plan
  1. Deploy sources and set as current version 
  2. Quit CAST-MS
  3. Run a SQL session using pg-admin
  4. Configure and execute the following query : 

    update <XXX_MNGT>.cms_portf_application 
    set deploypath = replace(deploypath, '<ORIGINAL_PATH>', '<NEW_PATH>') 
    --<XXX_MNGT> is the management schema name. 
    --<ORIGINAL_PATH> is the path which has to be changed. 
    --<NEW_PATH> is the deployment path.
  5. Ensure the 2 paths are ending with '\' (folder separator) to avoid having issues with substring folder names.


    For the below example, the query will be :

    update <XXX_MNGT>.cms_portf_application 
    set deploypath = replace(deploypath, 'S:\Sources\SAMS 13782\', 'S:\Sources\SAMS\') 
  6. Open CAST-MS and check that the deployment path of the deployed packages are now correct.
  7. If the above points do not help you solve the issue, contact CAST Technical Support with the relevant input in order to reproduce the issue.


 Ticket # 6602
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